You need to rethink things a bit. Databases can fail in all sorts of ways and can slow down during bursts of activity, data dumps, etc. You may need to investigate some form of intermediate buffering.
Currently my "buffer" (such as it is) is Kestrel which queues up INSERTs and then executes them one at a time. This keeps the rest of the app from being held back, but it becomes a problem when the queue fills up faster than it can drain. For one particularly heavy logger, I tried writing it all to an unconstrained table with the idea that I would copy that table (using INSERT . . . SELECT . . .) into another table with constraints, reducing the data in the process (deduping and such). Problem was, even my constraint-less table wasn't fast enough. Perhaps buffering to a local file and then using COPY would do the trick.
Then you are not running a current version of PostgreSQL so the first step to performance enhancement is to upgrade. (As a general rule - there are occasionally specific cases where performance decreases.)...Apparently the last four columns don't exist in my database. As for the first four, that is somewhat illuminating....
We're using 9.0.6. Peter, how do you feel about upgrading? :)
How are you batching them? Into a temp table that is copied to the main table? As a bunch of insert statements within a single connection (saves probably considerable time due to eliminating multiple connection setups)? With one PREPARE and multiple EXECUTE (to save repeated planning time - I'm not sure this will buy you much for simple inserts, though)? With COPY (much faster as many records are inserted in a single statement but if one fails, all fail)?
The second one (a bunch of insert statements within a single connection). As I mentioned above, I was going to try the temp table thing, but that wasn't fast enough. COPY might be my next attempt.
And what is the 50ms limit? Is that an average? Since you are batching, it doesn't sound like you need every statement to complete in 50ms. There is always a tradeoff between overall maximum throughput and maximum allowed latency.
No, not average. I want to be able to do 100-200 INSERTs per second (90% of those would go to one of two tables, the other 10% would go to any of a couple dozen tables). If 1% of my INSERTs take 100 ms, then the other 99% must take no more than 9 ms to complete.
...actually, it occurs to me that since I'm now committing batches of 1000, a 100ms latency per commit wouldn't be bad at all! I'll have to look into that.... (Either that or my batching isn't working like I thought it was.)
I recommend you abandon this thread as it presupposes a now seemingly incorrect cause of the problem and start a new one titled something like "Tuning for high insert rate" where you describe the problem you want to solve. See for a good guide to the information that will be helpful in diagnosis.
I'll leave the title as is since I think simply renaming this message would cause more confusion than it would prevent. But this gives me something to chew on and when I need to return to this topic, I'll do just that.