Sorry, I should have put it the other way.
Actually, I am looking for any tool (if exists) which gets me the following information with one installation or so.
Please see my replies below.
On Wed, Sep 28, 2011 at 12:35 PM, Greg Smith <greg@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Venkat Balaji wrote:This is fairly easy to collect and analyze. You might take a look at pgstatspack to see how one program collects snapshots of this sort of information:
1. Big Full Table Scans
2. Table with high IOs (hot tables)
3. Highly used Indexes
4. Tables undergoing high DMLs with index scans 0 (with unused indexes)
5. Index usage for heap blk hits
6. Tracking Checkpoints
I am in the process of installing pgstatspack ( i have used it before ). We are waiting for the downtime (to load this through shared preloaded libraries).
8. Buffer cache usage
High-level information about this can be collected by things like the pg_statio* views. If you want to actually look inside the buffer cache and get detailed statistics on it, that's a harder problem. I have some sample queries for that sort of thing in my book.
I do have pgstattuple contrib module installed and is collecting the data and loading it into the auditing tables.
This is valuable information to monitor over time, but I'm not aware of any existing tools that track it well. It won't be hard to collect it on your own though.
9. Tables, Indexes and Database growth statistics
I'm not aware of any open-source tool that tracks this information yet. PostgreSQL has no idea what CPU, memory, and I/O is being done by the OS when you execute a query. The operating system knows some of that, but has no idea what the database is doing. You can see a real-time snapshot combining the two pieces of info using the pg_top program: but I suspect what you want is a historical record of it instead.
We are getting it done on daily basis and we also have metrics of data growth
7. Tracking CPU, IO and memory usage ( by PG processes ) -- desperately needed
Writing something that tracks both at once and logs all the information for later analysis is one of the big missing pieces in PostgreSQL management. I have some ideas for how to build such a thing. But I expect it will take a few months of development time to get right, and I haven't come across someone yet who wants to fund that size of project for this purpose yet.
As of now i am relying on MPSTAT and will be testing NMON analyzer (this gets me the graph)
Greg Smith 2ndQuadrant US greg@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Baltimore, MD
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