> Please run EXPLAIN ANALYZE on the query and post that, it's hard to
> what's wrong from just the query plan, without knowing where the time
> actually spent. And the schema of the tables involved, and any indexes
> on them. (see also http://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/SlowQueryQuestions)
The details of the tables and indexes may take a bit of effort to explain.
Will do that.
I remembered that a similar query took about 90 seconds
to run a few days ago. Now that is also taking a few minutes to run. In
between, we made some changes to a few tables (the tables are about 9-10
GB each). This was to fix some issue in conversion from CHARACTER VARYING
to BOOLEAN on PostgreSQL (some columns in Oracle were of type VARCHAR,
to store BOOLEAN values. We changed that to BOOLEAN in PostgreSQL to resolve
some issues at the jdbc level). The alters were of similar type -
ALTER TABLE cusdynatr ALTER tstflg TYPE
boolean USING CASE WHEN tstflg = '1' THEN true WHEN tstflg = '0' then FALSE
Do such alters result in fragmentation at storage
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