On Wed, 2011-08-24 at 13:05 +0530, Venkat Balaji
> Hello Everyone,
> I am working on an alert script to track the number of connections
with the
> host IPs to the Postgres cluster.
> 1. I need all the host IPs making a connection to Postgres Cluster
(even for
> a fraction of second).
You should set log_connections to on.
> 2. I would also want to track number of IDLE connections, IDLE IN
> TRANSACTION connections and length of the connections as well.
IDLE and IDLE in transactions are the kind of informations you get in
Length of connections, you can get it with log_disconnections.
> I would be making use of pg_stat_activity and also thought of
> logging the host ips in the db server log files which seems to be
> for me (in terms of IO and logfile size).
Using pg_stat_activity won't get you really small connections. You need
log_connections for that, and log_disconnections for the duration of
connections. So you'll have to work on a tool that could get some
informations with queries on pg_stat_activity, and that could read
PostgreSQL log files.