Re: Calculating statistic via function rather than with query is slowing my query

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Thanks for the help Pavel and Craig.  I really appreciate it.  I'm going to try a couple of these different options (write a c function, use a sql function with case statements, and use plperl), so I can see which gives me the realtime performance that I need, and works best for clean code in my particular case.



On Wed, Aug 17, 2011 at 5:05 PM, Craig Ringer <ringerc@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On 18/08/2011 3:00 AM, Anish Kejariwal wrote:
Thanks Pavel! that definitely solved it.  

Unfortunately, the function I gave you was a simple/short version of what the actual function is going to be.  The actual function is going to get parameters passed to it, and based on the parameters will go through some if...else conditions, and maybe even call another function.  Based on that, I was definitely hoping to use plpgsql, and the overhead is unfortunate.  

Is there any way to get around this overhead?  Will I still have the same overhead if I use plperl, plpython, pljava, or write the function in C?

You can probably still write it as an SQL function if you use CASE WHEN appropriately.

Craig Ringer

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