I have a tsvector column docvector and a gin index on it docmeta1_docvector_idx I have a simple query "select * from docmeta1 where docvector @@ plainto_tsquery('english', 'free');" I find that the planner chooses a sequential scan of the table even when the index performs orders of magnitude. I set random_page_cost = 1.0 for the database to favor index use. However, I still see that the cost estimate for sequential scan of the entire table (23000) is cheaper than the cost of using the index (33000). The time taken for sequential access is 5200 ms and for index usage is only 85 ms. Details here: postgres version 9.0.2 statistics on docvector is set to 10000 and as you can see the row estimates are fine. lawdb=# \d docmeta1 Table "public.docmeta1" Column | Type | Modifiers -------------+-----------+----------- tid | integer | not null docweight | integer | doctype | integer | publishdate | date | covertids | integer[] | titlevector | tsvector | docvector | tsvector | Indexes: "docmeta1_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (tid) "docmeta1_date_idx" btree (publishdate) "docmeta1_docvector_idx" gin (docvector) "docmeta1_title_idx" gin (titlevector) lawdb=# SELECT relpages, reltuples FROM pg_class WHERE relname ='docmeta1'; relpages | reltuples ----------+----------- 18951 | 329940 lawdb=# explain analyze select * from docmeta1 where docvector @@ plainto_tsquery('english', 'free'); QUERY PLAN -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------- Seq Scan on docmeta1 (cost=0.00..23075.25 rows=35966 width=427) (actual time=0 .145..5189.556 rows=35966 loops=1) Filter: (docvector @@ '''free'''::tsquery) Total runtime: 5196.231 ms (3 rows) lawdb=# set enable_seqscan = off; SET lawdb=# explain analyze select * from docmeta1 where docvector @@ plainto_tsquery('english', 'free'); QUERY PLAN -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Bitmap Heap Scan on docmeta1 (cost=14096.25..33000.83 rows=35966 width=427) (a ctual time=9.543..82.754 rows=35966 loops=1) Recheck Cond: (docvector @@ '''free'''::tsquery) -> Bitmap Index Scan on docmeta1_docvector_idx (cost=0.00..14087.26 rows=35 966 width=0) (actual time=8.059..8.059 rows=35967 loops=1) Index Cond: (docvector @@ '''free'''::tsquery) Total runtime: 85.304 ms (5 rows) -Sushant. -- Sent via pgsql-performance mailing list (pgsql-performance@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx) To make changes to your subscription: http://www.postgresql.org/mailpref/pgsql-performance