Re: strange query plan with LIMIT

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On Wednesday 08 June 2011 19:47, tv@xxxxxxxx wrote:
> Have you tried to create a composite index on those two columns? Not sure
> if that helps but I'd try that.
> Tomas

Do you mean 
   create index tdiag_index2   ON tdiag(diag_id, create_time);
Should this be in addition to or instead of the single index on create_time?

I must be doing something really wrong to get this to happen:

symstream2=> select count(*) from tdiag where create_time <= '2011-05-23 
(1 row)

symstream2=> explain analyze select count(*) from tdiag where create_time 
<= '2011-05-23 03:51:00.131597+0';
                                                       QUERY PLAN
 Aggregate  (cost=863867.21..863867.22 rows=1 width=0) (actual 
time=58994.078..58994.080 rows=1 loops=1)
   ->  Seq Scan on tdiag  (cost=0.00..844188.68 rows=7871413 width=0) (actual 
time=58994.063..58994.063 rows=0 loops=1)
         Filter: (create_time <= '2011-05-23 13:51:00.131597+10'::timestamp 
with time zone)
 Total runtime: 58994.172 ms
(4 rows)

symstream2=> \d tdiag
                                        Table "public.tdiag"
   Column    |           Type           |                         Modifiers
 diag_id     | integer                  | not null default 
 create_time | timestamp with time zone | default now()
 diag_time   | timestamp with time zone | not null
 device_id   | integer                  |
 fleet_id    | integer                  |
 customer_id | integer                  |
 module      | character varying        |
 node_kind   | smallint                 |
 diag_level  | smallint                 |
 message     | character varying        | not null default ''::character 
 options     | text                     |
 tag         | character varying        | not null default ''::character 
    "tdiag_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (diag_id)
    "tdiag_create_time" btree (create_time)

Anthony Shipman                 | Programming is like sex: One mistake and 
Anthony.Shipman@xxxxxxxxxxxxx   | you're providing support for a lifetime.

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