Re: partition query on multiple cores

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On 05/10/2011 10:06 AM, Maciek Sakrejda wrote:

I have 8-core server, I wanted to ask whether a query can be divided for
multiple processors or cores, if it could be what to do in postgresql
No, at this time (and for the foreseeable future), a single query will
run on a single core.
It can *kinda* be done. Take a look at GridSQL. It's really good for 
splitting up reporting-like queries that benefit from parallel access of 
large tables. It's not exactly Hadoop, but I ran a test on a single 
system with two separate instances of PostgreSQL, and a single query 
over those two nodes cut execution time in half.
It's meant for server parallelism, so I wouldn't necessarily recommend 
splitting your data up across nodes on the same server. But it seems to 
deliver as promised when used in the right circumstances.
Shaun Thomas
OptionsHouse | 141 W. Jackson Blvd. | Suite 800 | Chicago IL, 60604


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