Hi I have 3 tables page - revision - pagecontent CREATE TABLE mediawiki.page ( page_id serial NOT NULL, page_namespace smallint NOT NULL, page_title text NOT NULL, page_restrictions text, page_counter bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, page_is_redirect smallint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, page_is_new smallint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, page_random numeric(15,14) NOT NULL DEFAULT random(), page_touched timestamp with time zone, page_latest integer NOT NULL, page_len integer NOT NULL, titlevector tsvector, page_type integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, CONSTRAINT page_pkey PRIMARY KEY (page_id) ); CREATE TABLE mediawiki.revision ( rev_id serial NOT NULL, rev_page integer, rev_text_id integer, rev_comment text, rev_user integer NOT NULL, rev_user_text text NOT NULL, rev_timestamp timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, rev_minor_edit smallint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, rev_deleted smallint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, rev_len integer, rev_parent_id integer, CONSTRAINT revision_rev_page_fkey FOREIGN KEY (rev_page) REFERENCES mediawiki.page (page_id) MATCH SIMPLE ON UPDATE NO ACTION ON DELETE CASCADE, CONSTRAINT revision_rev_id_key UNIQUE (rev_id) ) CREATE TABLE mediawiki.pagecontent ( old_id integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('mediawiki.text_old_id_seq'::regclass), old_text text, old_flags text, textvector tsvector, CONSTRAINT pagecontent_pkey PRIMARY KEY (old_id) ) where i have query SELECT pa.page_id, pa.page_title, ts_rank(pc.textvector,(to_tsquery('fotbal')))+ts_rank(pa.titlevector,(to_tsquery('fotbal')))*10 as totalrank from mediawiki.page pa, mediawiki.revision re, mediawiki.pagecontent pc WHERE pa.page_id in (SELECT page_id FROM mediawiki.page WHERE page_id IN (SELECT page_id FROM mediawiki.page WHERE (titlevector @@ (to_tsquery('fotbal')))) OR page_id IN (SELECT p.page_id from mediawiki.page p,mediawiki.revision r, (SELECT old_id FROM mediawiki.pagecontent WHERE (textvector @@ (to_tsquery('fotbal')))) ss WHERE (p.page_id=r.rev_page AND r.rev_id=ss.old_id))) AND (pa.page_id=re.rev_page AND re.rev_id=pc.old_id) ORDER BY totalrank LIMIT 100; This query find out titles of pages in page and content in page content by full text search - @@ afterwards i count for the resulted id by ts_rank the relevance. Now the problem. When I try ANALYZE it shows: "Limit (cost=136568.00..136568.25 rows=100 width=185)" " -> Sort (cost=136568.00..137152.26 rows=233703 width=185)" " Sort Key: ((ts_rank(pc.textvector, to_tsquery('fotbal'::text)) + (ts_rank(pa.titlevector, to_tsquery('fotbal'::text)) * 10::double precision)))" " -> Hash Join (cost=61707.99..127636.04 rows=233703 width=185)" " Hash Cond: (re.rev_id = pc.old_id)" " -> Merge Join (cost=24098.90..71107.48 rows=233703 width=66)" " Merge Cond: (pa.page_id = re.rev_page)" " -> Merge Semi Join (cost=24096.98..55665.69 rows=233703 width=66)" " Merge Cond: (pa.page_id = mediawiki.page.page_id)" " -> Index Scan using page_btree_id on page pa (cost=0.00..13155.20 rows=311604 width=62)" " -> Index Scan using page_btree_id on page (cost=24096.98..38810.19 rows=233703 width=4)" " Filter: ((hashed SubPlan 1) OR (hashed SubPlan 2))" " SubPlan 1" " -> Bitmap Heap Scan on page (cost=10.41..900.33 rows=270 width=4)" " Recheck Cond: (titlevector @@ to_tsquery('fotbal'::text))" " -> Bitmap Index Scan on gin_index (cost=0.00..10.34 rows=270 width=0)" " Index Cond: (titlevector @@ to_tsquery('fotbal'::text))" " SubPlan 2" " -> Nested Loop (cost=1499.29..23192.08 rows=1558 width=4)" " -> Nested Loop (cost=1499.29..15967.11 rows=1558 width=4)" " -> Bitmap Heap Scan on pagecontent (cost=1499.29..6448.12 rows=1558 width=4)" " Recheck Cond: (textvector @@ to_tsquery('fotbal'::text))" " -> Bitmap Index Scan on gin_index2 (cost=0.00..1498.90 rows=1558 width=0)" " Index Cond: (textvector @@ to_tsquery('fotbal'::text))" " -> Index Scan using page_btree_rev_content_id on revision r (cost=0.00..6.10 rows=1 width=8)" " Index Cond: (r.rev_id = pagecontent.old_id)" " -> Index Scan using page_btree_id on page p (cost=0.00..4.62 rows=1 width=4)" " Index Cond: (p.page_id = r.rev_page)" " -> Index Scan using page_btree_rev_page_id on revision re (cost=0.00..11850.52 rows=311604 width=8)" " -> Hash (cost=27932.04..27932.04 rows=311604 width=127)" " -> Seq Scan on pagecontent pc (cost=0.00..27932.04 rows=311604 width=127)" I there some posibility to speed up the hash join which takes a lot of time? I have tried to find some solution, but it was not successfull. Thanks a lot.-- View this message in context: http://postgresql.1045698.n5.nabble.com/Query-improvement-tp4362578p4362578.html Sent from the PostgreSQL - performance mailing list archive at Nabble.com. -- Sent via pgsql-performance mailing list (pgsql-performance@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx) To make changes to your subscription: http://www.postgresql.org/mailpref/pgsql-performance