Query Core Dumping

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Postgres 8.3.13
Solaris 10

I have a SELECT query that runs no problem standalone but when running
within a perl script it intermittently core dumps.  Random, no pattern
to the timing of the core dumps.  The perl script processes the rows
from the query, if the rows satisfy  a condition then the perl script
adds the rows to another table.  When the script works it runs for
about a minute.  If the script fails, it runs for about 5 minutes and
core dumps.  The core dump is in the perl error handling routines.  We
suspect the bug is related to how the perl postgres libraries interact
with postgres.

The query:

SELECT pa.tag,
       pa.plan, pa.username,
FROM personal_adsl pa,
     client c
WHERE pa.parent = c.tag
AND pa.adsl_migration_id is null
AND (pa.change_to not ilike '%IBC%' OR pa.change_to is null)
AND pa.adsl_order_state in ('Confirmed', 'Churn-Ordered', 'Provisioned', 'Held')
AND (pa.adsl_type <> 'IBC' OR pa.adsl_type is null)
AND pa.active in ('Active', 'Pending')
AND (c.contact not ilike '%noncontact%' OR c.contact is null)
AND (pa.contact not ilike '%noncontact%' OR pa.contact is null)
AND (pa.notices_sent is null OR
      (pa.adsl_order_state in ('Confirmed', 'Churn-Ordered') AND
pa.notices_sent not similar to '%(Confirm|Provision)%') OR
(pa.adsl_order_state = 'Provisioned'AND pa.notices_sent not ilike
'%Provision%') OR
      (pa.adsl_order_state = 'Held' AND pa.notices_sent not ilike '%Held%')


                                            QUERY PLAN
Hash Join  (cost=159798.93..612582.99 rows=17979 width=442) (actual
time=87639.667..90179.888 rows=219 loops=1)
   Hash Cond: (pa.parent = c.tag)
   ->  Bitmap Heap Scan on personal_adsl pa  (cost=94326.53..546467.23
rows=46357 width=323) (actual time=85137.720..87676.712 rows=225
         Recheck Cond: ((active = ANY ('{Active,Pending}'::text[]))
AND (adsl_order_state = ANY
         Filter: ((adsl_migration_id IS NULL) AND ((change_to !~~*
'%IBC%'::text) OR (change_to IS NULL)) AND ((adsl_type <> 'IBC'::text)
OR (adsl_type IS NULL)) AND ((contact !~~* '%noncontact%'::text) OR
(contact IS NULL)) AND ((notices_sent IS NULL) OR ((adsl_order_state =
ANY ('{Confirmed,Churn-Ordered}'::text[])) AND (notices_sent !~
'***:^(?:.*(Confirm|Provision).*)$'::text)) OR ((adsl_order_state =
'Provisioned'::text) AND (notices_sent !~~* '%Provision%'::text)) OR
((adsl_order_state = 'Held'::text) AND (notices_sent !~~*
         ->  BitmapAnd  (cost=94326.53..94326.53 rows=185454 width=0)
(actual time=85067.110..85067.110 rows=0 loops=1)
               ->  Bitmap Index Scan on personal_adsl_t2
(cost=0.00..43679.06 rows=481242 width=0) (actual
time=374.128..374.128 rows=858904 loops=1)
                     Index Cond: (active = ANY ('{Active,Pending}'::text[]))
               ->  Bitmap Index Scan on
personal_adsl_dsl_order_state_index  (cost=0.00..50624.05 rows=481811
width=0) (actual time=84651.450..84651.450 rows=854106 loops=1)
                     Index Cond: (adsl_order_state = ANY
   ->  Hash  (cost=60834.43..60834.43 rows=371038 width=119) (actual
time=2501.358..2501.358 rows=337954 loops=1)
         ->  Seq Scan on client c  (cost=0.00..60834.43 rows=371038
width=119) (actual time=0.056..2077.094 rows=337954 loops=1)
               Filter: ((contact !~~* '%noncontact%'::text) OR
(contact IS NULL))
Total runtime: 90180.225 ms
(14 rows)

The tables:

sqlsnbs=# \d personal_adsl
               Table "public.personal_adsl"
               Column                |  Type   | Modifiers
tag                                 | text    |
adsl_type                           | text    |
_modified                           | integer |
subnet_addresses                    | text    |
insidesales                         | text    |
cost_mb                             | text    |
technology                          | text    |
base_hour                           | text    |
charge                              | text    |
_excess_warning                     | text    |
notify                              | text    |
active                              | text    |
adsl_migration_to_id                | text    |
adsl_order_state                    | text    |
invoice_notes                       | text    |
hibis_timestamp_3                   | text    |
_created_by                         | text    |
speed_change_date                   | text    |
plan                                | text    |
adsl_exchange                       | text    |
paid_till                           | text    |
hibis_timestamp_2                   | text    |
old_change_to                       | text    |
retired                             | text    |
unwired_eid                         | text    |
adsl_migration_to_date              | text    |
adsl_speed                          | text    |
setup_fee                           | text    |
hibis_status                        | text    |
snbs_user                           | text    |
line_loss_estimate                  | text    |
adsl_detail_status                  | text    |
hibis_advice_method                 | text    |
parent                              | text    |
commission_date_paid                | text    |
annex_mask                          | text    |
gift                                | text    |
changing_to                         | text    |
adsl_layer                          | text    |
line_loss_cpe                       | text    |
base_mb                             | text    |
cca                                 | text    |
_next_excess                        | text    |
commission                          | text    |
add_framed_route_auto               | text    |
outsidesales                        | text    |
gst_exempt                          | text    |
external_snbs_reference             | text    |
cost_hour                           | text    |
notices_sent                        | text    |
adsl_xpair                          | text    |
name                                | text    |
churn                               | text    |
contact                             | text    |
hibis_cust_id                       | text    |
accesslist                          | text    |
early_termination_end               | text    |
excess_checked                      | text    |
carrier                             | text    |
status                              | text    |
adsl_line                           | text    |
product_type                        | text    |
change_to                           | text    |
contract_end                        | text    |
adsl_cpair                          | text    |
adsl_migration_id                   | text    |
subnet_addresses_specify            | text    |
_current_hour                       | text    |
username                            | text    |
adsl_status_detail                  | text    |
adsl_migration_completion_date      | text    |
early_termination_length            | text    |
email                               | text    |
adsl_cable_id                       | text    |
sponsored_amount                    | text    |
sla                                 | text    |
change_in_progress                  | text    |
hibis_incentive_payment_retail      | text    |
_created                            | integer |
service_id                          | text    |
contract_length                     | text    |
priority                            | text    |
report_pending                      | text    |
autoraise_date                      | text    |
framed_routes                       | text    |
adsl_migration_to_completion_date   | text    |
discount                            | text    |
hibis_incentive_payment_wholesale   | text    |
sponsored_by                        | text    |
hibis_timestamp_0                   | text    |
adsl_site_address                   | text    |
dontsendtotelstra                   | text    |
service_state                       | text    |
cidr_group                          | text    |
adsl_esa_code                       | text    |
upfront_commission                  | text    |
commission_to                       | text    |
_current_mb                         | text    |
adsl_profile                        | text    |
adsl_migration_date                 | text    |
billing_interval                    | text    |
add_framed_route_specify            | text    |
hibis_timestamp_1                   | text    |
add_framed_route_specify_skip_check | text    |
remove_framed_routes                | text    |
adsl_do_not_migrate                 | text    |
wdsl_rsa                            | text    |
wdsl_mac                            | text    |
wdsl_gps_long                       | text    |
wdsl_gps_lat                        | text    |
paid_to_migrate                     | text    |
wdsl_verified                       | text    |
adsl_paid_to_migrate                | text    |
lock_profile                        | text    |
extra_address_info                  | text    |
boris_record_id                     | text    |
_boris_record_id                    | text    |
usage_reference                     | text    |
l3exit_category                     | text    |
l3exit_cutoverdate                  | text    |
l3exit_l3serviceid                  | text    |
hibis_contract_expiry_date          | text    |
l3exit_attributes                   | text    |
l3exit_l2serviceid                  | text    |
ull_ca_signed_date                  | text    |
ull_assurance_category              | text    |
ull_power_indicator                 | text    |
ull_identifier                      | text    |
external_contract_type              | text    |
external_contract_expiry_date       | text    |
ull_call_diversion_number           | text    |
ull_losing_fnn                      | text    |
existing_equip                      | text    |
ull_cutover_date                    | text    |
ull_sub_request_type                | text    |
last_check_request                  | text    |
ull_dsl_service_id                  | text    |
campaign_code                       | text    |
reseller                            | text    |
transition_from_date                | text    |
transition_from_type                | text    |
transition_from_snbsid              | text    |
transition_to_snbsid                | text    |
transition_to_date                  | text    |
transition_to_type                  | text    |
ull_boundary_point_details          | text    |
dependent_services                  | text    |
parent_service_id                   | text    |
contract_id                         | text    |
retirement_type_code                | text    |
retirement_reason_code              | text    |
retirement_date                     | text    |
early_termination_fee               | text    |
staff_sold_by                       | text    |
provisioning_mobile                 | text    |
provisioning_email                  | text    |
adsl_parent_esa_code                | text    |
plan_id                             | text    |
users                               | text    |
early_termination_schedule          | text    |
initial_payment_workflow            | text    |
provisioning_workflow               | text    |
external_commission_schedule        | text    |
adsl_dslam_type                     | text    |
ull_live_fnn_at_address             | text    |
data_usage_rating_scheme            | text    |
ull_termination_terminal_box        | text    |
ull_termination_pair                | text    |
ull_termination_cable               | text    |
discount_negotiated_by              | text    |
no_discounted_status_on_invoice     | text    |
som_key_list                        | text    |
som_id_list                         | text    |
standalone_narration                | text    |
netsuite_id                         | text    |
opticomm_ref                        | text    |
previous_charge                     | text    |
multicast_enabled                   | text    |
addon_pack                          | text    |
    "personal_adsl_adsl_carrier_index" btree (carrier)
    "personal_adsl_adsl_cidr_group_index" btree (cidr_group)
    "personal_adsl_adsl_parent_index" btree (parent)
    "personal_adsl_adsl_plan_index" btree (plan)
    "personal_adsl_adsl_retired_index" btree (retired)
    "personal_adsl_adsl_snbs_user_index" btree (snbs_user)
    "personal_adsl_adsl_subnet_addresses_index" btree (subnet_addresses)
    "personal_adsl_adsl_technology_index" btree (technology)
    "personal_adsl_change_to_index" btree (change_to)
    "personal_adsl_dsl_order_state_index" btree (adsl_order_state)
    "personal_adsl_exchange_index" btree (adsl_exchange)
    "personal_adsl_framed_routes" btree (framed_routes)
    "personal_adsl_layer_index" btree (adsl_layer)
    "personal_adsl_line_index" btree (adsl_line)
    "personal_adsl_migration_id_index" btree (adsl_migration_id NULLS FIRST)
    "personal_adsl_profile_index" btree (adsl_profile)
    "personal_adsl_speed_index" btree (adsl_speed)
    "personal_adsl_t1" btree (parent)
    "personal_adsl_t2" btree (active)
    "personal_adsl_type_index" btree (adsl_type)
    "personal_adsl_usage_ref" btree (usage_reference)
    "personal_adsl_username_simple_idx" btree (username)
    "tag_personal_adsl_adsl" btree (tag)


sqlsnbs=# \d client
                 Table "public.client"
             Column              |  Type   | Modifiers
tag                             | text    |
contact                         | text    |
_modified                       | integer |
status                          | text    |
insidesales                     | text    |
transaction_gst_exempt          | text    |
resold_by                       | text    |
capricorn_id                    | text    |
dd_name                         | text    |
card_name                       | text    |
shipping_address                | text    |
card_4                          | text    |
billing_date_change             | text    |
password                        | text    |
username                        | text    |
notify                          | text    |
card_3                          | text    |
_card_debit_fail_warning        | text    |
billing_address                 | text    |
credit_status                   | text    |
billing_via                     | text    |
card_2                          | text    |
referral                        | text    |
dd_account                      | text    |
_ccexpiry_impending_warning     | text    |
transaction_module              | text    |
_created_by                     | text    |
transaction_type                | text    |
transaction_amount              | text    |
_created                        | integer |
payment_method                  | text    |
extended_off                    | text    |
homepop                         | text    |
card_expiry                     | text    |
customer_type                   | text    |
priority                        | text    |
card_1                          | text    |
autoraise_date                  | text    |
pending_suspension              | text    |
sandl_member                    | text    |
rollover_balance                | text    |
snbs_user                       | text    |
_last_statement_time            | text    |
billing_dest                    | text    |
discount                        | text    |
dd_bsb                          | text    |
billing_as                      | text    |
transaction_service             | text    |
card_amount                     | text    |
balance                         | text    |
notes                           | text    |
_age_balance                    | text    |
last_statement                  | text    |
commission                      | text    |
billing_date                    | text    |
outsidesales                    | text    |
commission_to                   | text    |
bal                             | text    |
transaction_comment             | text    |
name                            | text    |
qdsnbs                          | text    |
_last_direct_debit              | text    |
billing_date_lock               | text    |
invoicing_style                 | text    |
_order_service                  | text    |
adsl_line                       | text    |
job_type                        | text    |
_order_client                   | text    |
staff_sponsorship               | text    |
ndbm_sucks                      | text    |
allocation_method               | text    |
inside_sales                    | text    |
exclude_from_promotional_emails | text    |
address_sub_address_type        | text    |
address_address_type            | text    |
address_street_name             | text    |
address_validation_info         | text    |
address_validation_status       | text    |
address_street_type             | text    |
active                          | text    |
address_state                   | text    |
address_sub_address_number      | text    |
address_locality                | text    |
address_postcode                | text    |
address_street_number           | text    |
address_parent_updated          | text    |
parent                          | text    |
adsl_type                       | text    |
excess_checked                  | text    |
carrier                         | text    |
adsl_speed                      | text    |
setup_fee                       | text    |
change_to                       | text    |
charge                          | text    |
adsl_site_address               | text    |
early_termination_length        | text    |
email                           | text    |
base_mb                         | text    |
cca                             | text    |
adsl_order_state                | text    |
plan                            | text    |
billing_interval                | text    |
transition_to_snbsid            | text    |
accesslist                      | text    |
early_termination_end           | text    |
_kill_sessions                  | text    |
product_type                    | text    |
adsl_migration_id               | text    |
technology                      | text    |
_excess_warning                 | text    |
transition_from_date            | text    |
sla                             | text    |
adsl_migration_to_id            | text    |
adsl_exchange                   | text    |
paid_till                       | text    |
old_change_to                   | text    |
report_pending                  | text    |
hibis_status                    | text    |
transition_from_type            | text    |
transition_from_snbsid          | text    |
service_state                   | text    |
cidr_group                      | text    |
_next_excess                    | text    |
early_termination_fee           | text    |
adsl_esa_code                   | text    |
transition_to_date              | text    |
transition_to_type              | text    |
adsl_status_detail              | text    |
usage_reference                 | text    |
retired                         | text    |
outside_sales                   | text    |
contact_backup                  | text    |
sales_zone                      | text    |
billing_destination             | text    |
card_type                       | text    |
statement_hold                  | text    |
transaction_id                  | text    |
_use_cba                        | text    |
_cba_cc_token                   | text    |
_pci_card_pan                   | text    |
netsuite_id                     | text    |
pom_id                          | text    |
    "client_credit_status_index" btree (credit_status)
    "client_customer_type_index" btree (customer_type)
    "tag_client" btree (tag)


Anyone have any ideas?



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