We are in the process of deciding on how to proceed on a database upgrade. We currently have MS SQL 2000 running on Windows 2003 (on my test server). I was shocked at the cost for MS SQL 2008 R2 for a new server (2 CPU license). I started comparing DB?s and came across postgresql. It seemed to be exactly what I was after. All of our programming is in ASP.net. Since I am running MSSQL 2000 I have no benefit for .Net integration, so it is not a concern.
I ran a head to head test of MS SQL 2000 and Postgresql 9.0. Both are
running on Windows 2003. What I found was quite surprising and I am wondering
if anyone can point out what is going on here. I had ASP.net via MSSQL create
1,000 records in the main table. Took 9.85 seconds to complete.
Next test is to use ASP.net and join all 1,000 rows with table 2 and then display the text out. MS SQL took 0.76 seconds
to display
Then I did the same test via
Postgresql and it took 8.85 seconds! I tried it again as I thought I did something
wrong. I did a few tweaks such as increasing the shared buffers. Still the
best I could get it to was 7.5 seconds. This is insanely slow compared to
MSSQL 2000. What am I missing. Here is my SQL statement for postgresql:
Any ideas on why the Postgres server is soooo much slower on the joins? I am trying to understand what is going on here so please don?t flame me. Any advice is appreciated.
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