Re: MVCC performance issue

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On 11/14/2010 02:38 AM, Mladen Gogala wrote:
Craig Ringer wrote:
It sounds like you're describing Oracle-style MVCC, using redo logs.

Craig, this is an interesting blog page, making some valid points about
the multiversioning vs. locking. The ATM example, however, is
unrealistic and couldn't have happened the way the author describes.
Yep, you're quite right. I was using it for its explanation of some of 
the costs of MVCC as Oracle implements it, because it's surprisingly 
hard to find explanations/analysis of that with some quick Google 
searching. I hadn't read beyond that part.
I'd be really interested in some *good* writeups of the costs/benefits 
of the various common mvcc and locking based rdbms implementations.
Thanks for posting a breakdown of the issues with that article, lest 
others be mislead. Appreciated.
Craig Ringer

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