Re: How does PG know if data is in memory?

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On 1/10/2010 7:12 PM, Fabrício dos Anjos Silva wrote:

    Thank you all for the replies.

    If PG does not know whether needed data is in memory, how does it
estimate cost? There is a huge difference between access time in memory
and in secondary storage. Not taking this into account results in almost
"useless" estimates.

It's generally configured with the conservative assumption that data will have to come from disk.

Note that the query planner's job isn't to figure out how long the query will take. It's to compare various possible query plans and decide which will be fastest. There are certainly cases where knowing what's cached would help with this - for example: if an index is cached but the table data isn't, it's more likely to be worth using the index to reduce disk reads. But I don't know just how much difference it really makes.

Because the query often only wants a small subset of the data, and whole relations are rarely fully cached, it's not enough to know that "some of relation X is cached", it has to know if the cached parts are the parts that'll be required, or at least an approximation of that. It sounds horrendously complicated to keep track of to me, and in the end it won't make query execution any faster, it'll just potentially help the planner pick a better plan. I wonder if that'd be worth the extra CPU time spent managing the cache and cache content stats, and using those cache stats when planning? It'd be an interesting experiment, but the outcome is hardly obvious.

As you can see, I don't really agree that the planner's estimates are useless just because it's not very aware of the cache's current contents. It has a pretty good idea of the system's memory and how much of that can be used for cache, and knows how big various indexes and relations are. That seems to work pretty well.

If some kind of cache awareness was to be added, I'd be interested in seeing a "hotness" measure that tracked how heavily a given relation/index has been accessed and how much has been read from it recently. A sort of age-scaled blocks-per-second measure that includes both cached and uncached (disk) reads. This would let the planner know how likely parts of a given index/relation are to be cached in memory without imposing the cost of tracking the cache in detail. I'm still not sure it'd be all that useful, though...

> I am not saying that PG does a pour job, but I've
been using it for 4 years and from time to time I notice very pour

Most of the issues reported here, at least, are statistics issues, rather than lack of knowledge about cache status. The planner thinks it'll find (say) 2 tuples maching a filter, and instead finds 100,000, so it chooses a much less efficient join type. That sort of thing is really independent of the cache state.

    Recently, I faced poor performance again, but this time because we
started to work with larger tables (10M rows). This encourage me to
study PG tuning again, trying to understand how the planner works and
trying to get the best of it. Unfortunately, it does not seem to be an
easy task.

No argument there! Like any database there's a fair bit of black magic involved, and a whole lot of benchmarking. The key thing is to have appropriate statistics (usually high), get a reasonable random_page_cost and seq_page_cost, to set your effective cache size appropriately, and to set reasonable work_mem.

"Reasonable" is hard to work out for work_mem, because Pg's work_mem limit is per-sort (etc) not per-query or per-backend. I understand that making it per-query is way, way harder than it sounds at face value, though, so we must make do.

Craig Ringer

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