Merlin Moncure wrote:
On Fri, Jul 30, 2010 at 11:01 AM, Yeb Havinga <yebhavinga@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Postgres settings:
I saw about 10% increase in performance compared to 8KB blocksizes.
That's very interesting -- we need more testing in that department...
Definately - that 10% number was on the old-first hardware (the core 2
E6600). After reading my post and the 185MBps with 18500 reads/s number
I was a bit suspicious whether I did the tests on the new hardware with
4K, because 185MBps / 18500 reads/s is ~10KB / read, so I thought thats
a lot closer to 8KB than 4KB. I checked with show block_size and it was
4K. Then I redid the tests on the new server with the default 8KB
blocksize and got about 4700 tps (TPC-B/300)... 67/47 = 1.47. So it
seems that on newer hardware, the difference is larger than 10%.
Yeb Havinga
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