~300 million measurements
~12000 stations (not 70000 as I mentioned before)
~5500 cities
some serious data tho, at least. Basically, PG is sequentially scanning
through all of the tables in your partitioning setup. What is
constraint_exclusion set to? What version of PG is this? Do the
results og this query look at all correct to you?
PG 8.4
show constraint_exclusion;
With so much data, it is really hard to tell if the query looks okay without having it visualized. I can't visualize it until I have the query set up correctly. At the moment it looks like the query is wrong. :-(
Have you considered an index on elevation, btw? How many records in
that city table are there and how many are actually in that range?
I've since added a constraint on elevation; it'll help a bit:
CREATE INDEX station_elevation_idx
ON climate.station
USING btree
ON climate.station
USING btree