On Tue, Apr 20, 2010 at 3:29 PM, Dave Crooke <dcrooke@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I wouldn't hold MySQL up to be a particularly good implmentation of anything, other than speed (MyISAM) and usability (the CLI) .... I find Oracle's JDBC implmentation to be both user friendly and (largely) standards compliant.
I've been following along at home and agree with you right up until you mention the MySQL CLI being usable. I work with the thing every day. The plain, vanilla install on my Ubuntu laptop lacks proper readline support. Hitting ctrl-c will sometimes kill the running query and sometimes kill the CLI. Its far from a paragon of usability. That last time I used psql it didn't have any of those issues.
Full disclosure: mysql does have proper readline support on a Centos machine I have access to. ctrl-c still kills the shell.
Your other points are good though.