Hi, I am using dbt2 on Linux 64 (CentOS release 5.3 (Final)) . I have compiled latest postgresql-8.4.3 code on the machine and run dbt2 against it. I am little confused about the results. I ran dbt2 with the following configuration i.e. DBT2 Options : WAREHOUSES=75 DB_CONNECTIONS=20 REGRESS_DURATION=1 #HOURS REGRESS_DURATION_SEC=$((60*60*$REGRESS_DURATION)) DBT2 Command : ./dbt2-pgsql-create-db ./dbt2-pgsql-build-db -d $DBDATA -g -r -w $WAREHOUSES ./dbt2-run-workload -a pgsql -c $DB_CONNECTIONS -d $REGRESS_DURATION_SEC -w $WAREHOUSES -o $OUTPUT_DIR ./dbt2-pgsql-stop-db I am not able to understand the sar related graphs. Iostat,mpstat and vmstat results are similar but
sar results are strange. I tried to explore the dbt2 source code to find out the how graphs are drawn and why sar results differ.DBT2.pm : 189 reads sar.out and parse it and consider 1 minute elapsed time between each record i.e. ActivePerl- : 266 elapsed_time is a counter, with every record it increment to 1 (++$elapsed_time) Sar.out shows the following results i.e. 08:54:47 PM cswch/s .. .. 09:21:47 PM 1809.46 09:22:47 PM 2251.26 09:23:47 PM 2151.27 09:24:47 PM 2217.33 09:27:01 PM 2189.83 09:29:02 PM 2155.13 09:30:02 PM
2048.04 09:32:19 PM 2033.16 09:34:20 PM 2032.47 09:36:20 PM 2006.02 09:37:20 PM 1966.03 09:39:35 PM 1974.77 09:41:37 PM 1973.88 09:42:37 PM 1960.65 09:44:56 PM 1993.15 09:45:56 PM 1989.46 09:47:57 PM 2430.77 09:48:57 PM 2416.64 09:51:08 PM 2330.02 09:53:19 PM 1738.46 09:54:19 PM 2182.27 09:55:19 PM 2221.31 09:56:19 PM 2131.81 09:57:19 PM 2183.47 09:59:31 PM 2156.70 10:01:32 PM 2114.38 10:02:32 PM 2030.05 10:04:51 PM 2059.56 10:05:51 PM 1995.06 10:08:09 PM 1355.43 10:09:09 PM 218.73 10:10:09 PM 175.13 10:11:09 PM 168.30 10:12:09 PM 168.58 .. .. It shows that sar results for each record is not after every 1 minute duration, it varies. Is it expected or there are some bugs in CentOS default sar package (sysstat-7.0.2-3.el5). I tried latest package sysstat- from but it behaving the same. Systat utilities depends on procfs, is there something wrong with the system ?. Thanks. Best Regards, Asif Naeem
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