Re: Massive table (500M rows) update nightmare

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Carlo Stonebanks wrote:
This is hosted on a new server the client set up so I am waiting for the exact OS and hardware config. PG Version is PostgreSQL 8.3.6, compiled by Visual C++ build 1400, OS appears to be Windows 2003 x64 Server.
More than anything, I am more concerned with the long-term use of the 
system. This particular challenge with the 500M row update is one 
thing, but I am concerned about the exceptional effort required to do 
this. Is it REALLY this exceptional to want to update 500M rows of 
data in this day and age? Or is the fact that we are considering 
dumping and restoring and dropping indexes, etc to do all an early 
warning that we don't have a solution that is scaled to the problem?
It's certainly not common or easy to handle.  If someone told me I had 
to make that task well perform well and the tools at hand were anything 
other than a largish UNIX-ish server with a properly designed disk 
subsystem, I'd tell them it's unlikely to work well.  An UPDATE is the 
most intensive single operation you can do in PostgreSQL; the full 
lifecycle of executing it requires:
-Creating a whole new row
-Updating all the indexes to point to the new row
-Marking the original row dead
-Pruning the original row out of the database once it's no longer visible anywhere (VACUUM)
As a rule, if you can't fit a large chunk of the indexes involved in 
shared_buffers on your system, this is probably going to have terrible 
performance.  And you're on a platform where that's very hard to do, 
even if there's a lot of RAM around.  It sounds like your system spends 
all its time swapping index blocks in and out of the database buffer 
cache here.  That suggests there's a design problem here either with 
those indexes (they're too big) or with the provisioned 
hardware/software combination (needs more RAM, faster disks, or a 
platform where large amounts of RAM work better).
Greg Smith    2ndQuadrant   Baltimore, MD
PostgreSQL Training, Services and Support

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