Re: Large DB, several tuning questions: Index sizes, VACUUM, REINDEX, Autovacuum

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On Sunday 06 December 2009 19:20:17 Andreas Thiel wrote:
> Hi Andres,
> Thanks a lot for your answers. As bottom line I think the answer is I
> have to rethink my DB structure.
Can't answer that one without knowing much more ;)

> > Could you please properly quote the email? The way you did it is quite
> > unreadable because you always have to guess who wrote what.
> I try to, is it now getting better? My apologies, still trying to adopt
> to using Office 07:-)
Better, yes.

> Well, I know the data types of my columns sum up to 32 bytes right now
> (was about 100 before). As I only see a reduction of relpages/reltuples
> by 30% not by a factor 3, I assume that the row overhead kicks in. The
> data definition of the new table looks like this:
> bigint REFERENCES test_orig(test_id) ON DELETE CASCADE
> bigint REFERENCES part_orig(prt_id) ON DELETE CASCADE
> smallint
> bit(16)
> real
> text (usually empty in most rows)
> smallint
> I did calculate 32 Bytes per row (if text is empty), but actually
> relpages/reltuples is about ~63 bytes. This would result in a per row
> overhead of 31 bytes. Would it change anything if I remove the 2 FOREIGN
> KEY constraints?
If you remove those columns entirely, sure. If you remove only the constraint, 

The row overhead in 8.3/8.4 is 28bytes afaik. You miss two points in your 
calculation - one is alignment (i.e. a integer will only start at a 4byte 
boundary) and the other is that for text you need to store the length of the 
column as well.

> > Its pg_prepared_xacts (note the s), sorry my mind played me.
> Nothing inside this table as well. (I did also - while trying to improve
> postgresql.conf a few days ago - restart the server a couple of times, I
> think that would have removed any hanging transactions or prepares,
> shouldn't it?)
No, prepared transactions do not get removed by restarting. But thats fine 

> > > > > max_fsm_relations = 4194304             # min 100, ~70 bytes
fsm_relations is the max number of relations you want to store in the fsm - 
currently that means you could have 4 mio tables+indexes.

> No, but it seems at least VACUUM is now running fine and no longer
> complaining about too small number for max_fsm_pages. Do you think if I
> reduce those two numbers, I'll have a better chance to run VACUUM FULL?
> Currently max_fsm_pages is slightly larger than relpages of my largest
> table. I read somewhere, max_fsm_pages should be about 1/2 of the total
> number of relpages in a DB, maybe another way to say it should be larger
> than the largest table...
The largest table does not really have any special influence on the fsm, so I 
wouldnt count that rule as very good.
Its not that easy to calculate the size of the fsm correctly - thats why its 
gone in 8.4...

I know of several instances running with a larger fsm_pages - you could try to 
reduce the fsm_relations setting - I dont know if there are problems lurking 
with such a oversized value.

I actually doubt that thats related to the oom youre seeing though - whats 
your "maintenance_work_mem" setting and whats your 
/proc/sys/vm/overcommit_ratio and how much swap do you have?


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