On Tue, Sep 22, 2009 at 7:35 PM, Stef Telford <stef@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Yes, those numbers can be used reliably to identify unused indexes.
Best regards,
-- Hey Everyone,
So, I have a nice postgreSQL server (8.4) up and running our database. I even managed to get master->slave going without trouble using the excellent skytools.. however, I want to maximize speed and the hot updates where possible, so, I am wanting to prune unused indexes from the database.
is it as simple as taking the output from ; select indexrelname from pg_stat_user_indexes where idx_scan = 0 and idx_tup_read = 0 and idx_tup_fetch = 0 ;
And .. dropping ?
The reason I ask is, well, the count on that gives me 750 indexes where-as the count on all user_indexes is 1100. About 2/3rds of them are obsolete ? I did do an ETL from mySQL -> postgreSQL but.. that's still a ridiculous amount of (potentially) unused indexes.
Yes, those numbers can be used reliably to identify unused indexes.
Best regards,
Call it Postgres
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