Re: Getting time of a postgresql-request

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On Tue, 18 Aug 2009 06:25:57 +0200, Russell Smith <mr-russ@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Kai Behncke wrote:

But I would like to get it in a php-script, like


(well, that does not work).

I wonder: Is there another way to get the time a request needs?
How do you handle this?

$time = microtime()
$result = pg_result($query);
echo "Time to run query and return result to PHP: ".(microtime() - $time);

Something like that.



I use the following functions wich protect against SQL injections, make using the db a lot easier, and log query times to display at the bottom of the page. It is much less cumbersome than PEAR::DB or pdo which force you to use prepared statements (slower if you throw them away after using them just once)

db_query( "SELECT * FROM stuff WHERE a=%s AND b=%s", array( $a, $b ))

db_query( "SELECT * FROM stuff WHERE id IN (%s) AND b=%s", array( $list_of_ints, $b ))


function db_quote_query( $sql, $params=false )
	// if no params, send query raw
	if( $params === false )	return $sql;
	if( !is_array( $params )) $params = array( $params );

	// quote params
	foreach( $params as $key => $val )
		if( is_array( $val ))
			$params[$key] = implode( ', ', array_map( intval, $val ));
			$params[$key] = is_null($val)?'NULL':("'".pg_escape_string($val)."'");;
	return vsprintf( $sql, $params );

function db_query( $sql, $params=false )
	// it's already a query
	if( is_resource( $sql ))
		return $sql;

	$sql = db_quote_query( $sql, $params );

	$t = getmicrotime( true );
	if( DEBUG > 1 )	xdump( $sql );
	$r = pg_query( $sql );
	if( !$r )
		if( DEBUG > 1 )
echo "<div class=bigerror><b>Erreur PostgreSQL :</b><br />".htmlspecialchars(pg_last_error())."<br /><br /><b>Requête</b> :<br />".$sql."<br /><br /><b>Traceback </b>:<pre>";
			foreach( debug_backtrace() as $t ) xdump( $t );
			echo "</pre></div>";
	if( DEBUG > 1)	xdump( $r );
	global $_global_queries_log, $_mark_query_time;
	$_mark_query_time = getmicrotime( true );
	$_global_queries_log[] = array( $_mark_query_time-$t, $sql );
	return $r;

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