On Sat, 18 Jul 2009, Krade wrote:
Here's a couple of queries:
archive=> explain analyze select * from a where comment_tsv @@
plainto_tsquery('love') order by timestamp desc limit 24 offset 0;
Limit (cost=453248.73..453248.79 rows=24 width=281) (actual
time=188441.047..188441.148 rows=24 loops=1)
-> Sort (cost=453248.73..453882.82 rows=253635 width=281) (actual
time=188441.043..188441.079 rows=24 loops=1)
Sort Key: "timestamp"
Sort Method: top-N heapsort Memory: 42kB
-> Bitmap Heap Scan on a (cost=17782.16..446166.02 rows=253635
width=281) (actual time=2198.930..187948.050 rows=256378 loops=1)
Recheck Cond: (comment_tsv @@ plainto_tsquery('love'::text))
-> Bitmap Index Scan on timestamp_comment_gin
(cost=0.00..17718.75 rows=253635 width=0) (actual time=2113.664..2113.664
rows=259828 loops=1)
Index Cond: (comment_tsv @@
Total runtime: 188442.617 ms
(9 rows)
archive=> explain analyze select * from a where comment_tsv @@
plainto_tsquery('love') limit 24 offset 0;
Limit (cost=0.00..66.34 rows=24 width=281) (actual time=14.632..53.647
rows=24 loops=1)
-> Seq Scan on a (cost=0.00..701071.49 rows=253635 width=281) (actual
time=14.629..53.588 rows=24 loops=1)
Filter: (comment_tsv @@ plainto_tsquery('love'::text))
Total runtime: 53.731 ms
(4 rows)
First one runs painfully slow.
Hmm, everything is already written in explain :) In the first query
253635 rows should be readed from disk and sorted, while in the
second query only 24 (random) rows readed from disk, so there is 4 magnitudes
difference and in the worst case you should expected time for the 1st query
about 53*10^4 ms.
Is there really no way to have efficient full text search results ordered by
a separate field? I'm really open to all possibilities, at this point.
Oleg Bartunov, Research Scientist, Head of AstroNet (,
Sternberg Astronomical Institute, Moscow University, Russia
Internet: oleg@xxxxxxxxxx,
phone: +007(495)939-16-83, +007(495)939-23-83
Sent via pgsql-performance mailing list (pgsql-performance@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx)
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