There are 4 threads (4 postgres processes) loading all rows from a table
with 50,018 rows. The table has a int8 PK that is incremented by 1 for
each new row and the PK is used by the threads to partition the rows so
that each loads distinct rows. As you can see below, these 4 SELECTs
have been running since 6:30am (it's now 11:30am) -- sluggish at best --
and each of the postgres processes is using 100% CPU. The table schema
is long (~160 cols), so I'm omitting it but will provide it if deemed
necessary. Any ideas about the cause of this are appreciated.
cemdb=# select procpid, xact_start, current_query from pg_stat_activity;
procpid | xact_start |
27825 | | <IDLE>
27826 | | <IDLE>
27824 | | <IDLE>
27828 | | <IDLE>
27827 | | <IDLE>
27829 | | <IDLE>
27830 | | <IDLE>
27831 | | <IDLE>
27832 | | <IDLE>
27833 | | <IDLE>
14031 | 2009-06-17 05:48:02.931503-07 | autovacuum: VACUUM ANALYZE
16044 | | <IDLE>
32169 | 2009-06-17 08:17:39.034142-07 | autovacuum: VACUUM ANALYZE
7165 | | <IDLE>
16043 | | <IDLE>
22130 | 2009-06-17 11:22:05.339582-07 | select procpid, xact_start,
current_query from pg_stat_activity;
7169 | 2009-06-17 06:31:26.997641-07 | select a.ts_id as id1_0_,
a.version_info as versionI2_1_0_, a.ts_user_id as userId1_0_, null as
tranSetId1_0_, null as tranUnitId1_0_, null as userGro10_1_0_,
a.ts_transet_group_id as tranSetG7_1_0_, a.ts_last_aggregated_row as
lastAgg12_1_0_, null as tranSetI5_1_0_, a.ts_user_incarnation_id as
userInca9_1_0_, a.ts_interval_start_time as interva11_1_0_,
a.ts_interval_wire_time as interva13_1_0_, a.ts_total_transactions as
totalTr14_1_0_, a.ts_bad_transactions as badTran15_1_0_,
a.ts_opportunities as opportu16_1_0_, a.ts_defects as defects1_0_,
a.ts_data_type as dataType1_0_, a.ts_tth_type as tthType1_0_,
a.ts_tth_lower_spec as tthLowe20_1_0_, a.ts_tth_upper_spec as
tthUppe21_1_0_, a.ts_tth_b0 as tthB22_1_0_, a.ts_tth_b1 as tthB23_1_0_,
a.ts_tth_b2 as tthB24_1_0_, a.ts_tth_b3 as tthB25_1_0_, a.ts_tth_b4 as
tthB26_1_0_, a.ts_tth_b5 as tthB27_1_0_, a.ts_tth_b6 as tthB28_1_0_,
a.ts_tth_b7 as tthB29_1_0_, a.ts_tth_b8 as tthB30_1_0_, a.ts_tth_b9 as
tthB31_1_0_, a.ts_tth_b10 as tthB32_1_0_, a.ts_tth_b11 as tthB33_1
7171 | | <IDLE>
7172 | | <IDLE>
28106 | | <IDLE>
7392 | 2009-06-17 06:31:26.997985-07 | select a.ts_id as id1_0_,
a.version_info as versionI2_1_0_, a.ts_user_id as userId1_0_, null as
tranSetId1_0_, null as tranUnitId1_0_, null as userGro10_1_0_,
a.ts_transet_group_id as tranSetG7_1_0_, a.ts_last_aggregated_row as
lastAgg12_1_0_, null as tranSetI5_1_0_, a.ts_user_incarnation_id as
userInca9_1_0_, a.ts_interval_start_time as interva11_1_0_,
a.ts_interval_wire_time as interva13_1_0_, a.ts_total_transactions as
totalTr14_1_0_, a.ts_bad_transactions as badTran15_1_0_,
a.ts_opportunities as opportu16_1_0_, a.ts_defects as defects1_0_,
a.ts_data_type as dataType1_0_, a.ts_tth_type as tthType1_0_,
a.ts_tth_lower_spec as tthLowe20_1_0_, a.ts_tth_upper_spec as
tthUppe21_1_0_, a.ts_tth_b0 as tthB22_1_0_, a.ts_tth_b1 as tthB23_1_0_,
a.ts_tth_b2 as tthB24_1_0_, a.ts_tth_b3 as tthB25_1_0_, a.ts_tth_b4 as
tthB26_1_0_, a.ts_tth_b5 as tthB27_1_0_, a.ts_tth_b6 as tthB28_1_0_,
a.ts_tth_b7 as tthB29_1_0_, a.ts_tth_b8 as tthB30_1_0_, a.ts_tth_b9 as
tthB31_1_0_, a.ts_tth_b10 as tthB32_1_0_, a.ts_tth_b11 as tthB33_1
7396 | | <IDLE>
7397 | 2009-06-17 06:31:26.998013-07 | select a.ts_id as id1_0_,
a.version_info as versionI2_1_0_, a.ts_user_id as userId1_0_, null as
tranSetId1_0_, null as tranUnitId1_0_, null as userGro10_1_0_,
a.ts_transet_group_id as tranSetG7_1_0_, a.ts_last_aggregated_row as
lastAgg12_1_0_, null as tranSetI5_1_0_, a.ts_user_incarnation_id as
userInca9_1_0_, a.ts_interval_start_time as interva11_1_0_,
a.ts_interval_wire_time as interva13_1_0_, a.ts_total_transactions as
totalTr14_1_0_, a.ts_bad_transactions as badTran15_1_0_,
a.ts_opportunities as opportu16_1_0_, a.ts_defects as defects1_0_,
a.ts_data_type as dataType1_0_, a.ts_tth_type as tthType1_0_,
a.ts_tth_lower_spec as tthLowe20_1_0_, a.ts_tth_upper_spec as
tthUppe21_1_0_, a.ts_tth_b0 as tthB22_1_0_, a.ts_tth_b1 as tthB23_1_0_,
a.ts_tth_b2 as tthB24_1_0_, a.ts_tth_b3 as tthB25_1_0_, a.ts_tth_b4 as
tthB26_1_0_, a.ts_tth_b5 as tthB27_1_0_, a.ts_tth_b6 as tthB28_1_0_,
a.ts_tth_b7 as tthB29_1_0_, a.ts_tth_b8 as tthB30_1_0_, a.ts_tth_b9 as
tthB31_1_0_, a.ts_tth_b10 as tthB32_1_0_, a.ts_tth_b11 as tthB33_1
7403 | 2009-06-17 06:31:26.998273-07 | select a.ts_id as id1_0_,
a.version_info as versionI2_1_0_, a.ts_user_id as userId1_0_, null as
tranSetId1_0_, null as tranUnitId1_0_, null as userGro10_1_0_,
a.ts_transet_group_id as tranSetG7_1_0_, a.ts_last_aggregated_row as
lastAgg12_1_0_, null as tranSetI5_1_0_, a.ts_user_incarnation_id as
userInca9_1_0_, a.ts_interval_start_time as interva11_1_0_,
a.ts_interval_wire_time as interva13_1_0_, a.ts_total_transactions as
totalTr14_1_0_, a.ts_bad_transactions as badTran15_1_0_,
a.ts_opportunities as opportu16_1_0_, a.ts_defects as defects1_0_,
a.ts_data_type as dataType1_0_, a.ts_tth_type as tthType1_0_,
a.ts_tth_lower_spec as tthLowe20_1_0_, a.ts_tth_upper_spec as
tthUppe21_1_0_, a.ts_tth_b0 as tthB22_1_0_, a.ts_tth_b1 as tthB23_1_0_,
a.ts_tth_b2 as tthB24_1_0_, a.ts_tth_b3 as tthB25_1_0_, a.ts_tth_b4 as
tthB26_1_0_, a.ts_tth_b5 as tthB27_1_0_, a.ts_tth_b6 as tthB28_1_0_,
a.ts_tth_b7 as tthB29_1_0_, a.ts_tth_b8 as tthB30_1_0_, a.ts_tth_b9 as
tthB31_1_0_, a.ts_tth_b10 as tthB32_1_0_, a.ts_tth_b11 as tthB33_1
32571 | 2009-06-16 19:03:16.645352-07 | autovacuum: VACUUM ANALYZE
(25 rows)
cemdb=# select c.oid,c.relname,,l.mode,l.granted from pg_class c
join pg_locks l on c.oid=l.relation order by;
oid | relname |
pid | mode | granted
26612634 | ts_stats_transetgroup_user_daily_monthindex |
7169 | AccessShareLock | t
26612631 | ts_stats_transetgroup_user_daily_dayindex |
7169 | AccessShareLock | t
26612532 | ts_stats_transet_user_interval_monthindex |
7169 | AccessShareLock | t
26612322 | ts_stats_transet_user_interval_pkey |
7169 | AccessShareLock | t
26611729 | ts_stats_transet_user_interval |
7169 | AccessShareLock | t
26612639 | ts_stats_transetgroup_user_daily_yearindex |
7169 | AccessShareLock | t
26612638 | ts_stats_transetgroup_user_daily_weekindex |
7169 | AccessShareLock | t
26612635 | ts_stats_transetgroup_user_daily_starttimeindex |
7169 | AccessShareLock | t
26612538 | ts_stats_transet_user_interval_yearindex |
7169 | AccessShareLock | t
26612530 | ts_stats_transet_user_interval_dayindex |
7169 | AccessShareLock | t
26612531 | ts_stats_transet_user_interval_hourindex |
7169 | AccessShareLock | t
26612633 | ts_stats_transetgroup_user_daily_lastaggregatedrowindex |
7169 | AccessShareLock | t
26611806 | ts_stats_transetgroup_user_daily |
7169 | AccessShareLock | t
26612835 | ts_transetgroup_transets_map_transetgroupidindex |
7169 | AccessShareLock | t
26612534 | ts_stats_transet_user_interval_transetindex |
7169 | AccessShareLock | t
26612637 | ts_stats_transetgroup_user_daily_userindex |
7169 | AccessShareLock | t
26611350 | ts_transetgroup_transets_map |
7169 | AccessShareLock | t
26612636 | ts_stats_transetgroup_user_daily_transetgroupindex |
7169 | AccessShareLock | t
26612836 | ts_transetgroup_transets_map_transetidindex |
7169 | AccessShareLock | t
26612632 | ts_stats_transetgroup_user_daily_hourindex |
7169 | AccessShareLock | t
26612401 | ts_transetgroup_transets_map_pkey |
7169 | AccessShareLock | t
26612351 | ts_stats_transetgroup_user_daily_pkey |
7169 | AccessShareLock | t
26612536 | ts_stats_transet_user_interval_userindex |
7169 | AccessShareLock | t
26612537 | ts_stats_transet_user_interval_weekindex |
7169 | AccessShareLock | t
26612837 | ts_transetgroup_transets_map_transetincarnationindex |
7169 | AccessShareLock | t
26612533 | ts_stats_transet_user_interval_starttime |
7169 | AccessShareLock | t
26612535 | ts_stats_transet_user_interval_userincarnationidindex |
7169 | AccessShareLock | t
26612537 | ts_stats_transet_user_interval_weekindex |
7392 | AccessShareLock | t
26612634 | ts_stats_transetgroup_user_daily_monthindex |
7392 | AccessShareLock | t
26612632 | ts_stats_transetgroup_user_daily_hourindex |
7392 | AccessShareLock | t
26612530 | ts_stats_transet_user_interval_dayindex |
7392 | AccessShareLock | t
26612633 | ts_stats_transetgroup_user_daily_lastaggregatedrowindex |
7392 | AccessShareLock | t
26612533 | ts_stats_transet_user_interval_starttime |
7392 | AccessShareLock | t
26612637 | ts_stats_transetgroup_user_daily_userindex |
7392 | AccessShareLock | t
26612351 | ts_stats_transetgroup_user_daily_pkey |
7392 | AccessShareLock | t
26612534 | ts_stats_transet_user_interval_transetindex |
7392 | AccessShareLock | t
26612631 | ts_stats_transetgroup_user_daily_dayindex |
7392 | AccessShareLock | t
26612535 | ts_stats_transet_user_interval_userincarnationidindex |
7392 | AccessShareLock | t
26612636 | ts_stats_transetgroup_user_daily_transetgroupindex |
7392 | AccessShareLock | t
26612639 | ts_stats_transetgroup_user_daily_yearindex |
7392 | AccessShareLock | t
26611729 | ts_stats_transet_user_interval |
7392 | AccessShareLock | t
26612322 | ts_stats_transet_user_interval_pkey |
7392 | AccessShareLock | t
26612538 | ts_stats_transet_user_interval_yearindex |
7392 | AccessShareLock | t
26612837 | ts_transetgroup_transets_map_transetincarnationindex |
7392 | AccessShareLock | t
26612635 | ts_stats_transetgroup_user_daily_starttimeindex |
7392 | AccessShareLock | t
26612532 | ts_stats_transet_user_interval_monthindex |
7392 | AccessShareLock | t
26612835 | ts_transetgroup_transets_map_transetgroupidindex |
7392 | AccessShareLock | t
26612638 | ts_stats_transetgroup_user_daily_weekindex |
7392 | AccessShareLock | t
26612401 | ts_transetgroup_transets_map_pkey |
7392 | AccessShareLock | t
26612536 | ts_stats_transet_user_interval_userindex |
7392 | AccessShareLock | t
26612836 | ts_transetgroup_transets_map_transetidindex |
7392 | AccessShareLock | t
26611806 | ts_stats_transetgroup_user_daily |
7392 | AccessShareLock | t
26612531 | ts_stats_transet_user_interval_hourindex |
7392 | AccessShareLock | t
26611350 | ts_transetgroup_transets_map |
7392 | AccessShareLock | t
26612538 | ts_stats_transet_user_interval_yearindex |
7397 | AccessShareLock | t
26612537 | ts_stats_transet_user_interval_weekindex |
7397 | AccessShareLock | t
26612533 | ts_stats_transet_user_interval_starttime |
7397 | AccessShareLock | t
26612639 | ts_stats_transetgroup_user_daily_yearindex |
7397 | AccessShareLock | t
26612632 | ts_stats_transetgroup_user_daily_hourindex |
7397 | AccessShareLock | t
26612531 | ts_stats_transet_user_interval_hourindex |
7397 | AccessShareLock | t
26612835 | ts_transetgroup_transets_map_transetgroupidindex |
7397 | AccessShareLock | t
26611350 | ts_transetgroup_transets_map |
7397 | AccessShareLock | t
26612532 | ts_stats_transet_user_interval_monthindex |
7397 | AccessShareLock | t
26612836 | ts_transetgroup_transets_map_transetidindex |
7397 | AccessShareLock | t
26612322 | ts_stats_transet_user_interval_pkey |
7397 | AccessShareLock | t
26612535 | ts_stats_transet_user_interval_userincarnationidindex |
7397 | AccessShareLock | t
26612637 | ts_stats_transetgroup_user_daily_userindex |
7397 | AccessShareLock | t
26612631 | ts_stats_transetgroup_user_daily_dayindex |
7397 | AccessShareLock | t
26612634 | ts_stats_transetgroup_user_daily_monthindex |
7397 | AccessShareLock | t
26611729 | ts_stats_transet_user_interval |
7397 | AccessShareLock | t
26611806 | ts_stats_transetgroup_user_daily |
7397 | AccessShareLock | t
26612636 | ts_stats_transetgroup_user_daily_transetgroupindex |
7397 | AccessShareLock | t
26612351 | ts_stats_transetgroup_user_daily_pkey |
7397 | AccessShareLock | t
26612536 | ts_stats_transet_user_interval_userindex |
7397 | AccessShareLock | t
26612638 | ts_stats_transetgroup_user_daily_weekindex |
7397 | AccessShareLock | t
26612530 | ts_stats_transet_user_interval_dayindex |
7397 | AccessShareLock | t
26612837 | ts_transetgroup_transets_map_transetincarnationindex |
7397 | AccessShareLock | t
26612633 | ts_stats_transetgroup_user_daily_lastaggregatedrowindex |
7397 | AccessShareLock | t
26612401 | ts_transetgroup_transets_map_pkey |
7397 | AccessShareLock | t
26612534 | ts_stats_transet_user_interval_transetindex |
7397 | AccessShareLock | t
26612635 | ts_stats_transetgroup_user_daily_starttimeindex |
7397 | AccessShareLock | t
26612639 | ts_stats_transetgroup_user_daily_yearindex |
7403 | AccessShareLock | t
26612351 | ts_stats_transetgroup_user_daily_pkey |
7403 | AccessShareLock | t
26612536 | ts_stats_transet_user_interval_userindex |
7403 | AccessShareLock | t
26612634 | ts_stats_transetgroup_user_daily_monthindex |
7403 | AccessShareLock | t
26612635 | ts_stats_transetgroup_user_daily_starttimeindex |
7403 | AccessShareLock | t
26612538 | ts_stats_transet_user_interval_yearindex |
7403 | AccessShareLock | t
26612633 | ts_stats_transetgroup_user_daily_lastaggregatedrowindex |
7403 | AccessShareLock | t
26612530 | ts_stats_transet_user_interval_dayindex |
7403 | AccessShareLock | t
26612837 | ts_transetgroup_transets_map_transetincarnationindex |
7403 | AccessShareLock | t
26612532 | ts_stats_transet_user_interval_monthindex |
7403 | AccessShareLock | t
26612322 | ts_stats_transet_user_interval_pkey |
7403 | AccessShareLock | t
26611729 | ts_stats_transet_user_interval |
7403 | AccessShareLock | t
26612535 | ts_stats_transet_user_interval_userincarnationidindex |
7403 | AccessShareLock | t
26612637 | ts_stats_transetgroup_user_daily_userindex |
7403 | AccessShareLock | t
26612836 | ts_transetgroup_transets_map_transetidindex |
7403 | AccessShareLock | t
26611350 | ts_transetgroup_transets_map |
7403 | AccessShareLock | t
26612401 | ts_transetgroup_transets_map_pkey |
7403 | AccessShareLock | t
26612631 | ts_stats_transetgroup_user_daily_dayindex |
7403 | AccessShareLock | t
26612636 | ts_stats_transetgroup_user_daily_transetgroupindex |
7403 | AccessShareLock | t
26611806 | ts_stats_transetgroup_user_daily |
7403 | AccessShareLock | t
26612534 | ts_stats_transet_user_interval_transetindex |
7403 | AccessShareLock | t
26612835 | ts_transetgroup_transets_map_transetgroupidindex |
7403 | AccessShareLock | t
26612632 | ts_stats_transetgroup_user_daily_hourindex |
7403 | AccessShareLock | t
26612531 | ts_stats_transet_user_interval_hourindex |
7403 | AccessShareLock | t
26612537 | ts_stats_transet_user_interval_weekindex |
7403 | AccessShareLock | t
26612533 | ts_stats_transet_user_interval_starttime |
7403 | AccessShareLock | t
26612638 | ts_stats_transetgroup_user_daily_weekindex |
7403 | AccessShareLock | t
26611743 | ts_stats_transet_user_weekly |
14031 | ShareUpdateExclusiveLock | t
26612553 | ts_stats_transet_user_weekly_starttimeindex |
14031 | RowExclusiveLock | t
26612326 | ts_stats_transet_user_weekly_pkey |
14031 | RowExclusiveLock | t
26612551 | ts_stats_transet_user_weekly_lastaggregatedrowindex |
14031 | RowExclusiveLock | t
26612550 | ts_stats_transet_user_weekly_hourindex |
14031 | RowExclusiveLock | t
26612552 | ts_stats_transet_user_weekly_monthindex |
14031 | RowExclusiveLock | t
26612549 | ts_stats_transet_user_weekly_dayindex |
14031 | RowExclusiveLock | t
26612558 | ts_stats_transet_user_weekly_yearindex |
14031 | RowExclusiveLock | t
26612554 | ts_stats_transet_user_weekly_transetindex |
14031 | RowExclusiveLock | t
26612556 | ts_stats_transet_user_weekly_userindex |
14031 | RowExclusiveLock | t
26612557 | ts_stats_transet_user_weekly_weekindex |
14031 | RowExclusiveLock | t
26612555 | ts_stats_transet_user_weekly_userincarnationidindex |
14031 | RowExclusiveLock | t
10969 | pg_locks |
22130 | AccessShareLock | t
1259 | pg_class |
22130 | AccessShareLock | t
2662 | pg_class_oid_index |
22130 | AccessShareLock | t
2663 | pg_class_relname_nsp_index |
22130 | AccessShareLock | t
26612659 | ts_stats_transetgroup_user_weekly_hourindex |
32169 | AccessShareLock | t
26612658 | ts_stats_transetgroup_user_weekly_dayindex |
32169 | AccessShareLock | t
26612666 | ts_stats_transetgroup_user_weekly_yearindex |
32169 | AccessShareLock | t
26612665 | ts_stats_transetgroup_user_weekly_weekindex |
32169 | AccessShareLock | t
26612661 | ts_stats_transetgroup_user_weekly_monthindex |
32169 | AccessShareLock | t
26612663 | ts_stats_transetgroup_user_weekly_transetgroupindex |
32169 | AccessShareLock | t
26612662 | ts_stats_transetgroup_user_weekly_starttimeindex |
32169 | AccessShareLock | t
26611827 | ts_stats_transetgroup_user_weekly |
32169 | ShareUpdateExclusiveLock | t
26612660 | ts_stats_transetgroup_user_weekly_lastaggregatedrowindex |
32169 | AccessShareLock | t
26612664 | ts_stats_transetgroup_user_weekly_userindex |
32169 | AccessShareLock | t
26612357 | ts_stats_transetgroup_user_weekly_pkey |
32169 | AccessShareLock | t
27208304 | ts_stats_transet_user_daily_starttimeindex |
32571 | RowExclusiveLock | t
26612320 | ts_stats_transet_user_daily_pkey |
32571 | RowExclusiveLock | t
27208300 | ts_stats_transet_user_daily_dayindex |
32571 | RowExclusiveLock | t
27208305 | ts_stats_transet_user_daily_transetincarnationidindex |
32571 | RowExclusiveLock | t
27208302 | ts_stats_transet_user_daily_lastaggregatedrowindex |
32571 | RowExclusiveLock | t
27208310 | ts_stats_transet_user_daily_yearindex |
32571 | RowExclusiveLock | t
27208309 | ts_stats_transet_user_daily_weekindex |
32571 | RowExclusiveLock | t
27208307 | ts_stats_transet_user_daily_userincarnationidindex |
32571 | RowExclusiveLock | t
26611722 | ts_stats_transet_user_daily |
32571 | ShareUpdateExclusiveLock | t
27208301 | ts_stats_transet_user_daily_hourindex |
32571 | RowExclusiveLock | t
27208306 | ts_stats_transet_user_daily_transetindex |
32571 | RowExclusiveLock | t
27208303 | ts_stats_transet_user_daily_monthindex |
32571 | RowExclusiveLock | t
27208308 | ts_stats_transet_user_daily_userindex |
32571 | RowExclusiveLock | t
(148 rows)
[root@rdl64xeoserv01 log]# strace -p 7397
Process 7397 attached - interrupt to quit
munmap(0x95393000, 1052672) = 0
munmap(0x95494000, 528384) = 0
munmap(0x95515000, 266240) = 0
brk(0x8603000) = 0x8603000
brk(0x85fb000) = 0x85fb000
_llseek(144, 0, [292618240], SEEK_END) = 0
brk(0x85eb000) = 0x85eb000
_llseek(65, 897179648, [897179648], SEEK_SET) = 0
read(65, "\276\2\0\0\320\337\275\315\1\0\0\0|\3`\22\360\37\4 \0\0"...,
8192) = 8192
_llseek(65, 471457792, [471457792], SEEK_SET) = 0
read(65, "\276\2\0\0\320\337\275\315\1\0\0\0t\6\200\6\360\37\4 \0"...,
8192) = 8192
read(65, "\276\2\0\0\354\271\355\312\1\0\0\0\374\5`\10\360\37\4 "...,
8192) = 8192
read(65, "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\1\0\0\0\324\5\0\t\360\37\4 \0\0\0\0\0"...,
8192) = 8192
brk(0x8613000) = 0x8613000
0) = 0x95515000
0) = 0x95494000
-1, 0) = 0x95393000
munmap(0x95393000, 1052672) = 0
munmap(0x95494000, 528384) = 0
munmap(0x95515000, 266240) = 0
brk(0x8603000) = 0x8603000
brk(0x85fb000) = 0x85fb000
_llseek(144, 0, [292618240], SEEK_END) = 0
brk(0x85eb000) = 0x85eb000
_llseek(65, 86941696, [86941696], SEEK_SET) = 0
read(65, "\304\2\0\0\30\333\v\244\1\0\0\0\324\5\0\t\360\37\4 \0\0"...,
8192) = 8192
_llseek(65, 892682240, [892682240], SEEK_SET) = 0
read(65, "\276\2\0\0\fq\231\310\1\0\0\0|\3`\22\360\37\4 \0\0\0\0"...,
8192) = 8192
_llseek(65, 86949888, [86949888], SEEK_SET) = 0
read(65, "\276\2\0\0\fq\231\310\1\0\0\0t\6\200\6\360\37\4 \0\0\0"...,
8192) = 8192
read(65, "\276\2\0\0\270*\341\305\1\0\0\0\364\5\200\10\360\37\4 "...,
8192) = 8192
read(65, "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\1\0\0\0\324\5\0\t\360\37\4 \0\0\0\0\0"...,
8192) = 8192
read(65, "\304\2\0\0\320`\225\242\1\0\0\0000\4\220\17\360\37\4 \0"...,
8192) = 8192
brk(0x8613000) = 0x8613000
0) = 0x95515000
0) = 0x95494000
-1, 0) = 0x95393000
munmap(0x95393000, 1052672) = 0
munmap(0x95494000, 528384) = 0
munmap(0x95515000, 266240) = 0
brk(0x8603000) = 0x8603000
brk(0x85fb000) = 0x85fb000
_llseek(144, 0, [292618240], SEEK_END) = 0
brk(0x85eb000) = 0x85eb000
brk(0x8613000) = 0x8613000
0) = 0x95515000
0) = 0x95494000
-1, 0) = 0x95393000
munmap(0x95393000, 1052672) = 0
munmap(0x95494000, 528384) = 0
munmap(0x95515000, 266240) = 0
brk(0x8603000) = 0x8603000
brk(0x85fb000) = 0x85fb000
_llseek(144, 0, [292618240], SEEK_END) = 0
brk(0x85eb000) = 0x85eb000
_llseek(65, 115359744, [115359744], SEEK_SET) = 0
read(65, "\304\2\0\0\200e\331\243\1\0\0\0`\6\320\6\360\37\4 \0\0"...,
8192) = 8192
_llseek(65, 827695104, [827695104], SEEK_SET) = 0
read(65, "\273\2\0\0\20\36uY\1\0\0\0|\3`\22\360\37\4 \0\0\0\0\340"...,
8192) = 8192
_llseek(65, 115367936, [115367936], SEEK_SET) = 0
read(65, "\273\2\0\0\20\36uY\1\0\0\0\10\0060\10\360\37\4 \0\0\0\0"...,
8192) = 8192
read(65, "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\1\0\0\0\324\5\0\t\360\37\4 \0\0\0\0\0"...,
8192) = 8192
read(65, "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\1\0\0\0\324\5\0\t\360\37\4 \0\0\0\0\0"...,
8192) = 8192
read(65, "\304\2\0\0\344M>\242\1\0\0\0L\3 \23\360\37\4 \0\0\0\0\340"...,
8192) = 8192
brk(0x8613000) = 0x8613000
0) = 0x95515000
0) = 0x95494000
-1, 0) = 0x95393000
munmap(0x95393000, 1052672) = 0
munmap(0x95494000, 528384) = 0
munmap(0x95515000, 266240) = 0
strace output from the other 3 postgres processes looks the same.
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