Re: Speeding up a query.

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I promised to provide more details of the query (or the function as it is). Here goes.



A chemotherapy regimen requires chair time and nursing time. A patient might sit in the chair for three hours but the nurse only has to be with them for the first hour. Therefore, nurses can manage multiple chairs at a time. Each regimen has a different time requirement.


To efficiently manage our chair and nursing resources, we want to schedule against these constraints. Our room currently has 17 chairs and around 8 nurses per day. We administer several hundred different regimens and the time for each regimen varies based on the day of the regimen as well as the course. All of these variables are entered and maintained through a web application I wrote.


Scheduling algorithm:

            Written in PostgreSQL (naturally), the algorithm is a single function call. It gathers the data for a day into a temporary table and cycles through each appointment. Appointments are scheduled in the following order: locked appointments (previously scheduled and assigned to a nurse and chair), reserved appointments (a desired time slot has been selected), open appointments (ordered by the required chair time descending and the required nurse time descending). Here’s the busy part that loops through each appointment. The table definition follows. Anything beginning with an underscore is a declared variable.



-- Reserved and unscheduled appointments.



            -- Initialize the variables for this record.


            _AVAILABLE := null;


                        _APPOINTMENT.total_unit_time / 5,

                        _APPOINTMENT.total_nurse_time / 5,

                        (_APPOINTMENT.total_unit_time || ' minutes')::INTERVAL,

                        (_APPOINTMENT.total_nurse_time || ' minutes')::INTERVAL;



            -- Find the first available row for the required unit and nurse time.

            select into _AVAILABLE unit.row_num

            from     (

                                    select   m1.row_num

                                    from     matrix m1,

                                                matrix m2

                                    where    m1.unit_id = m2.unit_id

                                                and m1.nurse_id = m2.nurse_id

                                                and m1.unit_scheduled = false

                                                and m2.unit_scheduled = false

                                                and (_APPOINTMENT.reserved_time is null or m1.timeslot = _APPOINTMENT.reserved_time)

                                                and m2.timeslot between m1.timeslot and (m1.timeslot + _UNIT_REQUIRED)

                                    group by m1.row_num

                                    having count(m2.row_num) = _UNIT_INTERVALS + 1

                        ) unit,


                                    select   m1.row_num

                                    from     matrix m1,

                                                matrix m2

                                    where    m1.unit_id = m2.unit_id

                                                and m1.nurse_id = m2.nurse_id

                                                and m1.nurse_scheduled = false

                                                and m2.nurse_scheduled = false

                                                and (_APPOINTMENT.reserved_time is null or m1.timeslot = _APPOINTMENT.reserved_time)

                                                and m2.timeslot between m1.timeslot and (m1.timeslot + _NURSE_REQUIRED)

                                    group by m1.row_num

                                    having count(m1.row_num) = _NURSE_INTERVALS + 1

                        ) nurse

            where    nurse.row_num = unit.row_num

            order by unit.row_num

            limit 1;


            -- Assign the time, unit, and nurse to the unscheduled appointment.

            update matrix_unscheduled set

                        appt_time = matrix.timeslot,

                        unit_id = matrix.unit_id,

                        nurse_id = matrix.nurse_id,

                        appt_status = 'S'

            from     matrix

            where    schedule_appt_id = _APPOINTMENT.schedule_appt_id

                        and matrix.row_num = _AVAILABLE;


            -- Mark the unit as scheduled for that time.

            update matrix set

                        unit_scheduled = true

            from     (select timeslot, unit_id from matrix where row_num = _AVAILABLE) m2

            where    matrix.unit_id = m2.unit_id

                        and matrix.timeslot between m2.timeslot and (m2.timeslot + _UNIT_REQUIRED);


            -- Mark the nurse as scheduled for that time.

            update matrix set

                        nurse_scheduled = true

            from     (select timeslot, nurse_id from matrix where row_num = _AVAILABLE) m2

            where    matrix.nurse_id = m2.nurse_id

                        and matrix.timeslot between m2.timeslot and (m2.timeslot + _NURSE_REQUIRED);





CREATE TABLE matrix_unscheduled


  row_num serial NOT NULL,

  schedule_appt_id integer NOT NULL,

  appt_time timestamp without time zone,

  reserved_time timestamp without time zone,

  appt_status character(1) NOT NULL,

  unit_id integer,

  nurse_id integer,

  total_unit_time integer NOT NULL,

  total_nurse_time integer NOT NULL,

  CONSTRAINT pk_matrix_unscheduled PRIMARY KEY (row_num)






  row_num serial NOT NULL,

  timeslot timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,

  unit_id integer NOT NULL,

  nurse_id integer NOT NULL,

  unit_scheduled boolean NOT NULL,

  nurse_scheduled boolean NOT NULL,

  CONSTRAINT pk_matrix PRIMARY KEY (row_num)




There are indexes on “matrix” for “timeslot,unit_id”, “timeslot,nurse_id”, and “unit_id,nurse_id”.

Matthew Hartman
Information Management, ICP
Kingston General Hospital
(613) 549-6666 x4294



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