> What version of PostgreSQL? 8.3 that comes with opensuse 11.1 > > What OS? Linux, opensuse 11.1 64 bit > > What does the hardware look like? (CPUs, drives, memory, etc.) 2 * opteron dual core 8 GB RAM, 70 GB SCSI U320 RAID 1 > > Do you have autovacuum running? What other regular maintenance to you > do? YES, autovacuum and analyze are running, the only other activity is the wal backup > > What does your postgresql.conf file look like? (If you can strip out > all comments and show the rest, that would be great.) I'll post only the value I've changed shared_buffers = 1536MB temp_buffers = 5MB max_prepared_transactions = 30 work_mem = 50MB # I've lot of work in order by maintenance_work_mem =50MB max_stack_depth = 6MB max_fsm_pages = 160000 max_fsm_relations = 5000 wal_buffers = 3072kB enable_bitmapscan = on enable_hashagg = on enable_hashjoin = off enable_indexscan = on enable_mergejoin = on enable_nestloop = off enable_seqscan = off enable_sort = off enable_tidscan = on effective_cache_size = 3600MB geqo = off default_statistics_target = 100 > > With that as background, if you can show us the schema for the > table(s) involved and the text of a query, along with the EXPLAIN > ANALYZE output (or just EXPLAIN, if the query runs too long to get the > EXPLAIN ANALYZE results) that would allow us to wee where things are > going wrong. Please show this information without setting any of the > optimizer options off; but then, as a diagnostic step, *also* show > EXPLAIN ANALYZE results when you set options to a configuration that > runs faster. > > -Kevin The problem is that in the simply query it uses mergejoin instead of nastedloop (obvious for the parameters I set) but in this situation in becomes very very slow (15 sec vs 5 ms when I set to off mergejoin). That is the explain of the complex query that works with more than acceptable performance "Merge Right Join (cost=508603077.17..508603195.59 rows=1 width=227)" " Merge Cond: (ve_edil_rendite.id_domanda = domande.id_domanda)" " -> GroupAggregate (cost=0.00..105.51 rows=1031 width=11)" " -> Index Scan using pk_ve_edil_rendite on ve_edil_rendite (cost=0.00..86.84 rows=1157 width=11)" " -> Materialize (cost=508603077.17..508603077.18 rows=1 width=195)" " -> Nested Loop (cost=506932259.90..508603077.17 rows=1 width=195)" " -> Merge Join (cost=406932259.90..408603074.89 rows=1 width=188)" " Merge Cond: (domande.id_domanda = c_elaout_7.id_domanda)" " -> Merge Join (cost=406932259.90..408188339.97 rows=1 width=240)" " Merge Cond: (c_elaout_5.id_domanda = domande.id_domanda)" " -> Merge Join (cost=3895.15..1259628.81 rows=138561 width=41)" " Merge Cond: (edil_veneto.id_domanda = c_elaout_5.id_domanda)" " -> Merge Join (cost=1123.18..372710.75 rows=98122 width=29)" " Merge Cond: (edil_veneto.id_domanda = c_elaout_6.id_domanda)" " -> Index Scan using "IDX_pk_Edil_Veneto" on edil_veneto (cost=0.00..11825.14 rows=232649 width=17)" " -> Index Scan using "IDX_3_c_elaout" on c_elaout c_elaout_6 (cost=0.00..359914.34 rows=98122 width=12)" " Index Cond: ((c_elaout_6.node)::text = 'contributo_sociale'::text)" " -> Index Scan using "IDX_3_c_elaout" on c_elaout c_elaout_5 (cost=0.00..887091.20 rows=245306 width=12)" " Index Cond: ((c_elaout_5.node)::text = 'contributo'::text)" " -> Materialize (cost=406928364.74..406928364.75 rows=1 width=199)" " -> Nested Loop (cost=402583154.89..406928364.74 rows=1 width=199)" " Join Filter: ((r_enti.codice_ente)::text = (r_luoghi.cod_catastale)::text)" " -> Merge Join (cost=202583154.89..206928031.60 rows=1 width=198)" " Merge Cond: (domande.id_domanda = c_elaout_4.id_domanda)" " -> Merge Join (cost=202583154.89..206425374.54 rows=1 width=186)" " Merge Cond: (domande.id_domanda = c_elain_3.id_domanda)" " -> Merge Join (cost=201328203.80..205170407.27 rows=41 width=138)" " Merge Cond: (domande.id_domanda = c_elain_7.id_domanda)" " -> Merge Join (cost=201328203.80..204498966.35 rows=93 width=126)" " Merge Cond: (domande.id_domanda = c_elain_9.id_domanda)" " -> Merge Join (cost=201322293.83..203828121.81 rows=424 width=114)" " Merge Cond: (domande.id_domanda = c_elain_8.id_domanda)" " -> Nested Loop (cost=201318498.02..203164011.74 rows=2431 width=102)" " -> Merge Join (cost=101318498.02..103147289.10 rows=2431 width=79)" " Merge Cond: (domande.id_domanda = doc.id)" " -> Merge Join (cost=101318487.80..103060677.64 rows=2493 width=75)" " Merge Cond: (domande.id_domanda = c_elain_1.id_domanda)" " -> Merge Join (cost=101316002.90..102447327.03 rows=15480 width=63)" " Merge Cond: (domande.id_domanda = c_elain.id_domanda)" " -> Merge Join (cost=101314975.72..101780946.74 rows=88502 width=51)" " Merge Cond: (c_elain_2.id_domanda = domande.id_domanda)" " -> Index Scan using "IDX_1_c_elain" on c_elain c_elain_2 (cost=0.00..461104.96 rows=129806 width=12)" " Index Cond: ((node)::text = 'N_componenti'::text)" " -> Sort (cost=101314967.66..101316800.15 rows=732995 width=39)" " Sort Key: domande.id_domanda" " -> Merge Join (cost=119414.31..1243561.32 rows=732995 width=39)" " Merge Cond: (domande.id_dichiarazione = generiche_data_nascita_piu_anziano.id_dichiarazione)" " -> Merge Join (cost=18770.82..1126115.64 rows=123933 width=39)" " Merge Cond: (domande.id_dichiarazione = c_elaout.id_domanda)" " -> Index Scan using "IDX_5_domande" on domande (cost=0.00..91684.40 rows=31967 width=27)" " Index Cond: (id_servizio = 11002)" " Filter: (id_ente > 0)" " -> Index Scan using "IDX_2_c_elaout" on c_elaout (cost=0.00..1031179.16 rows=805279 width=12)" " Filter: ((c_elaout.node)::text = 'ISEE'::text)" " -> Materialize (cost=100643.49..106653.58 rows=601009 width=12)" " -> Subquery Scan generiche_data_nascita_piu_anziano (cost=0.00..100042.48 rows=601009 width=12)" " -> GroupAggregate (cost=0.00..94032.39 rows=601009 width=12)" " -> Index Scan using "IDX_1_componenti" on componenti (cost=0.00..76403.45 rows=2023265 width=12)" " -> Index Scan using "IDX_1_c_elain" on c_elain (cost=0.00..665581.51 rows=188052 width=12)" " Index Cond: ((c_elain.node)::text = 'VSE'::text)" " -> Index Scan using "IDX_1_c_elain" on c_elain c_elain_1 (cost=0.00..613000.48 rows=173074 width=12)" " Index Cond: ((c_elain_1.node)::text = 'AffittoISEE'::text)" " -> Index Scan using pk_doc on doc (cost=0.00..81963.12 rows=1847118 width=4)" " Filter: (doc.id_tp_stato_doc = 1)" " -> Index Scan using "IDX_pk_R_Enti" on r_enti (cost=0.00..6.87 rows=1 width=31)" " Index Cond: (r_enti.id_ente = domande.id_ente)" " -> Index Scan using "IDX_1_c_elain" on c_elain c_elain_8 (cost=0.00..663631.02 rows=187497 width=12)" " Index Cond: ((c_elain_8.node)::text = 'Spese'::text)" " -> Index Scan using "IDX_2_c_elain" on c_elain c_elain_9 (cost=0.00..670253.16 rows=235758 width=12)" " Filter: ((c_elain_9.node)::text = 'Mesi'::text)" " -> Index Scan using "IDX_2_c_elain" on c_elain c_elain_7 (cost=0.00..670253.16 rows=474845 width=12)" " Filter: ((c_elain_7.node)::text = 'Affitto'::text)" " -> Materialize (cost=1254951.09..1254963.95 rows=1286 width=48)" " -> Merge Join (cost=2423.84..1254949.80 rows=1286 width=48)" " Merge Cond: (c_elain_3.id_domanda = c_elaout_1.id_domanda)" " -> Merge Join (cost=1094.64..606811.53 rows=1492 width=36)" " Merge Cond: (c_elain_3.id_domanda = c_elaout_3.id_domanda)" " -> Merge Join (cost=224.20..182997.39 rows=2667 width=24)" " Merge Cond: (c_elain_3.id_domanda = c_elaout_2.id_domanda)" " -> Index Scan using "IDX_1_c_elain" on c_elain c_elain_3 (cost=0.00..74101.14 rows=19621 width=12)" " Index Cond: ((node)::text = 'Solo_anziani'::text)" " -> Index Scan using "IDX_3_c_elaout" on c_elaout c_elaout_2 (cost=0.00..108761.74 rows=28155 width=12)" " Index Cond: ((c_elaout_2.node)::text = 'ise_fsa'::text)" " -> Index Scan using "IDX_3_c_elaout" on c_elaout c_elaout_3 (cost=0.00..423543.07 rows=115886 width=12)" " Index Cond: ((c_elaout_3.node)::text = 'incidenza'::text)" " -> Index Scan using "IDX_3_c_elaout" on c_elaout c_elaout_1 (cost=0.00..647740.85 rows=178481 width=12)" " Index Cond: ((c_elaout_1.node)::text = 'isee_fsa'::text)" " -> Index Scan using "IDX_3_c_elaout" on c_elaout c_elaout_4 (cost=0.00..502312.35 rows=137879 width=12)" " Index Cond: ((c_elaout_4.node)::text = 'esito'::text)" " -> Seq Scan on r_luoghi (cost=100000000.00..100000200.84 rows=10584 width=11)" " -> Index Scan using "IDX_3_c_elaout" on c_elaout c_elaout_7 (cost=0.00..414451.53 rows=113348 width=12)" " Index Cond: ((c_elaout_7.node)::text = 'contributo_regolare'::text)" " -> Index Scan using "IDX_pk_VE_EDIL_tp_superfici" on ve_edil_tp_superfici (cost=0.00..2.27 rows=1 width=11)" " Index Cond: (ve_edil_tp_superfici.id_tp_superficie = edil_veneto.id_tp_superficie)" and that is the explain of the too slow simple query "Merge Join (cost=0.00..1032305.52 rows=4 width=12)" " Merge Cond: (domande.id_dichiarazione = c_elaout.id_domanda)" " -> Index Scan using "IDX_8_domande" on domande (cost=0.00..8.39 rows=1 width=4)" " Index Cond: (id_domanda = 4165757)" " -> Index Scan using "IDX_2_c_elaout" on c_elaout (cost=0.00..1030283.89 rows=805279 width=12)" " Filter: ((c_elaout.node)::text = 'Invalido'::text)" this cost 15 sec with mergejoin to off: "Nested Loop (cost=100000000.00..100000022.97 rows=4 width=12)" " -> Index Scan using "IDX_8_domande" on domande (cost=0.00..8.39 rows=1 width=4)" " Index Cond: (id_domanda = 4165757)" " -> Index Scan using "IDX_2_c_elaout" on c_elaout (cost=0.00..14.54 rows=4 width=12)" " Index Cond: (c_elaout.id_domanda = domande.id_dichiarazione)" " Filter: ((c_elaout.node)::text = 'Invalido'::text)" this cost 15 msec!!! This query work fine even with set enable_mergejoin='on'; set enable_nestloop='on'; "Nested Loop (cost=0.00..22.97 rows=4 width=12) (actual time=10.110..10.122 rows=1 loops=1)" " -> Index Scan using "IDX_8_domande" on domande (cost=0.00..8.39 rows=1 width=4) (actual time=0.071..0.075 rows=1 loops=1)" " Index Cond: (id_domanda = 4165757)" " -> Index Scan using "IDX_2_c_elaout" on c_elaout (cost=0.00..14.54 rows=4 width=12) (actual time=10.029..10.031 rows=1 loops=1)" " Index Cond: (c_elaout.id_domanda = domande.id_dichiarazione)" " Filter: ((c_elaout.node)::text = 'Invalido'::text)" "Total runtime: 10.211 ms" but in this situation the previous kind of query doesn't arrive at the end and the plan becomes: "Merge Right Join (cost=100707011.72..100707130.15 rows=1 width=227)" " Merge Cond: (ve_edil_rendite.id_domanda = domande.id_domanda)" " -> GroupAggregate (cost=0.00..105.51 rows=1031 width=11)" " -> Index Scan using pk_ve_edil_rendite on ve_edil_rendite (cost=0.00..86.84 rows=1157 width=11)" " -> Materialize (cost=100707011.72..100707011.73 rows=1 width=195)" " -> Nested Loop (cost=100689558.36..100707011.72 rows=1 width=195)" " -> Nested Loop (cost=100689558.36..100706997.17 rows=1 width=247)" " -> Nested Loop (cost=100689558.36..100706982.62 rows=1 width=235)" " Join Filter: ((r_enti.codice_ente)::text = (r_luoghi.cod_catastale)::text)" " -> Nested Loop (cost=689558.36..706649.48 rows=1 width=234)" " -> Nested Loop (cost=689558.36..706647.20 rows=1 width=227)" " -> Nested Loop (cost=689558.36..706632.65 rows=1 width=215)" " -> Nested Loop (cost=689558.36..706618.10 rows=1 width=203)" " Join Filter: (domande.id_domanda = edil_veneto.id_domanda)" " -> Index Scan using "IDX_pk_Edil_Veneto" on edil_veneto (cost=0.00..11825.14 rows=232649 width=17)" " -> Materialize (cost=689558.36..689558.37 rows=1 width=186)" " -> Nested Loop (cost=100643.49..689558.36 rows=1 width=186)" " -> Nested Loop (cost=100643.49..689543.81 rows=1 width=174)" " -> Nested Loop (cost=100643.49..689530.86 rows=1 width=162)" " -> Nested Loop (cost=100643.49..689517.93 rows=1 width=150)" " -> Nested Loop (cost=100643.49..689505.01 rows=1 width=138)" " -> Nested Loop (cost=100643.49..689490.46 rows=1 width=126)" " -> Nested Loop (cost=100643.49..688816.73 rows=44 width=114)" " -> Merge Join (cost=100643.49..657277.54 rows=2431 width=102)" " Merge Cond: (domande.id_dichiarazione = generiche_data_nascita_piu_anziano.id_dichiarazione)" " -> Nested Loop (cost=0.00..549096.04 rows=412 width=102)" " -> Nested Loop (cost=0.00..547345.02 rows=106 width=90)" " -> Nested Loop (cost=0.00..546615.85 rows=106 width=67)" " -> Nested Loop (cost=0.00..545694.51 rows=109 width=63)" " -> Nested Loop (cost=0.00..537605.96 rows=621 width=51)" " -> Nested Loop (cost=0.00..487675.59 rows=3860 width=39)" " -> Index Scan using "IDX_5_domande" on domande (cost=0.00..91684.40 rows=31967 width=27)" " Index Cond: (id_servizio = 11002)" " Filter: (id_ente > 0)" " -> Index Scan using "IDX_1_c_elain" on c_elain c_elain_2 (cost=0.00..12.37 rows=1 width=12)" " Index Cond: (((c_elain_2.node)::text = 'N_componenti'::text) AND (c_elain_2.id_domanda = domande.id_domanda))" " -> Index Scan using "IDX_1_c_elain" on c_elain c_elain_1 (cost=0.00..12.92 rows=1 width=12)" " Index Cond: (((c_elain_1.node)::text = 'AffittoISEE'::text) AND (c_elain_1.id_domanda = domande.id_domanda))" " -> Index Scan using "IDX_1_c_elain" on c_elain (cost=0.00..13.01 rows=1 width=12)" " Index Cond: (((c_elain.node)::text = 'VSE'::text) AND (c_elain.id_domanda = domande.id_domanda))" " -> Index Scan using pk_doc on doc (cost=0.00..8.44 rows=1 width=4)" " Index Cond: (doc.id = domande.id_domanda)" " Filter: (doc.id_tp_stato_doc = 1)" " -> Index Scan using "IDX_pk_R_Enti" on r_enti (cost=0.00..6.87 rows=1 width=31)" " Index Cond: (r_enti.id_ente = domande.id_ente)" " -> Index Scan using "IDX_2_c_elaout" on c_elaout (cost=0.00..16.47 rows=4 width=12)" " Index Cond: (c_elaout.id_domanda = domande.id_dichiarazione)" " Filter: ((c_elaout.node)::text = 'ISEE'::text)" " -> Materialize (cost=100643.49..106653.58 rows=601009 width=12)" " -> Subquery Scan generiche_data_nascita_piu_anziano (cost=0.00..100042.48 rows=601009 width=12)" " -> GroupAggregate (cost=0.00..94032.39 rows=601009 width=12)" " -> Index Scan using "IDX_1_componenti" on componenti (cost=0.00..76403.45 rows=2023265 width=12)" " -> Index Scan using "IDX_1_c_elain" on c_elain c_elain_3 (cost=0.00..12.96 rows=1 width=12)" " Index Cond: (((c_elain_3.node)::text = 'Solo_anziani'::text) AND (c_elain_3.id_domanda = domande.id_domanda))" " -> Index Scan using "IDX_3_c_elaout" on c_elaout c_elaout_2 (cost=0.00..15.30 rows=1 width=12)" " Index Cond: (((c_elaout_2.node)::text = 'ise_fsa'::text) AND (c_elaout_2.id_domanda = domande.id_domanda))" " -> Index Scan using "IDX_2_c_elaout" on c_elaout c_elaout_3 (cost=0.00..14.54 rows=1 width=12)" " Index Cond: (c_elaout_3.id_domanda = domande.id_domanda)" " Filter: ((c_elaout_3.node)::text = 'incidenza'::text)" " -> Index Scan using "IDX_2_c_elain" on c_elain c_elain_9 (cost=0.00..12.91 rows=1 width=12)" " Index Cond: (c_elain_9.id_domanda = domande.id_domanda)" " Filter: ((c_elain_9.node)::text = 'Mesi'::text)" " -> Index Scan using "IDX_2_c_elain" on c_elain c_elain_8 (cost=0.00..12.91 rows=1 width=12)" " Index Cond: (c_elain_8.id_domanda = domande.id_domanda)" " Filter: ((c_elain_8.node)::text = 'Spese'::text)" " -> Index Scan using "IDX_2_c_elain" on c_elain c_elain_7 (cost=0.00..12.91 rows=3 width=12)" " Index Cond: (c_elain_7.id_domanda = domande.id_domanda)" " Filter: ((c_elain_7.node)::text = 'Affitto'::text)" " -> Index Scan using "IDX_2_c_elaout" on c_elaout c_elaout_1 (cost=0.00..14.54 rows=1 width=12)" " Index Cond: (c_elaout_1.id_domanda = domande.id_domanda)" " Filter: ((c_elaout_1.node)::text = 'isee_fsa'::text)" " -> Index Scan using "IDX_2_c_elaout" on c_elaout c_elaout_7 (cost=0.00..14.54 rows=1 width=12)" " Index Cond: (c_elaout_7.id_domanda = domande.id_domanda)" " Filter: ((c_elaout_7.node)::text = 'contributo_regolare'::text)" " -> Index Scan using "IDX_2_c_elaout" on c_elaout c_elaout_6 (cost=0.00..14.54 rows=1 width=12)" " Index Cond: (c_elaout_6.id_domanda = domande.id_domanda)" " Filter: ((c_elaout_6.node)::text = 'contributo_sociale'::text)" " -> Index Scan using "IDX_pk_VE_EDIL_tp_superfici" on ve_edil_tp_superfici (cost=0.00..2.27 rows=1 width=11)" " Index Cond: (ve_edil_tp_superfici.id_tp_superficie = edil_veneto.id_tp_superficie)" " -> Seq Scan on r_luoghi (cost=100000000.00..100000200.84 rows=10584 width=11)" " -> Index Scan using "IDX_2_c_elaout" on c_elaout c_elaout_5 (cost=0.00..14.54 rows=1 width=12)" " Index Cond: (c_elaout_5.id_domanda = domande.id_domanda)" " Filter: ((c_elaout_5.node)::text = 'contributo'::text)" " -> Index Scan using "IDX_2_c_elaout" on c_elaout c_elaout_4 (cost=0.00..14.54 rows=1 width=12)" " Index Cond: (c_elaout_4.id_domanda = domande.id_domanda)" " Filter: ((c_elaout_4.node)::text = 'esito'::text)" Really thanks for your interest and your help! -- Sent via pgsql-performance mailing list (pgsql-performance@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx) To make changes to your subscription: http://www.postgresql.org/mailpref/pgsql-performance