londiste.py londiste.ini provider add 'public.Data_YYYY_WI'
londiste.py londiste.ini subscriber add 'public.Data_YYYY_WI'
On Thu, May 28, 2009 at 11:56 AM, Greg Jaman <gjaman@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I currently have a database doing something very similar. I setup partition tables with predictable names based on the the data's timestamp week number eg: (Data_YYYY_WI).
I have a tigger on the parent partition table to redirect data to the correct partition( tablename:='Data_' || to_char('$NEW(ts)'::timestamptz, 'IYYY_IW') ) . then I use dynamic sql to do the insert. I did some optimization by writting it in pl/TCL and using global variables to store prepared insert statements.
Most queries for me are based on the date and we have decent performance with our current setup. For last/current sensor data we just store the last dataID in the sensor record. I haven't thought of a better way yet. After batch inserts we caculate the last reading for each participating sensorID inserted.
With partition tables we struggled with the query to get the lastest data : select * from "Data" where "sensorID"=x order by ts limit 1 -- for parition tables. See (http://archives.postgresql.org/pgsql-performance/2008-11/msg00284.php)
On Thu, May 28, 2009 at 7:55 AM, Ivan Voras <ivoras@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:2009/5/28 Heikki Linnakangas <heikki.linnakangas@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
> Ivan Voras wrote:Excellent idea!
>> I need to store data about sensor readings. There is a known (but
>> configurable) number of sensors which can send update data at any time.
>> The "current" state needs to be kept but also all historical records.
>> I'm trying to decide between these two designs:
>> 1) create a table for "current" data, one record for each sensor, update
>> this table when a sensor reading arrives, create a trigger that would
>> transfer old record data to a history table (of basically the same
>> structure)
>> 2) write only to the history table, use relatively complex queries or
>> outside-the-database magic to determine what the "current" values of the
>> sensors are.
> 3) write only to the history table, but have an INSERT trigger to update the
> table with "current" data. This has the same performance characteristics as
> 1, but let's you design your application like 2.
It seems like your approach is currently the winner.
> I think I'd choose this approach (or 2), since it can handle out-of-order or
> delayed arrival of sensor readings gracefully (assuming they are timestamped
> at source).
I'll look into it, but we'll first see if we can get away with
> If you go with 2, I'd recommend to still create a view to encapsulate the
> complex query for the current values, to make the application development
> simpler. And if it gets slow, you can easily swap the view with a table,
> updated with triggers or periodically, without changing the application.
>> The volume of sensor data is potentially huge, on the order of 500,000
>> updates per hour. Sensor data is few numeric(15,5) numbers.
> Whichever design you choose, you should also consider partitioning the data.
limiting the time the data needs to be available.
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