Re: performance for high-volume log insertion

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On Tue, 21 Apr 2009, Greg Smith wrote:

On Mon, 20 Apr 2009, david@xxxxxxx wrote:

while I fully understand the 'benchmark your situation' need, this isn't that simple. in this case we are trying to decide what API/interface to use in a infrastructure tool that will be distributed in common distros (it's now the default syslog package of debian and fedora), there are so many variables in hardware, software, and load that trying to benchmark it becomes effectivly impossible.

From your later comments, you're wandering a bit outside of what you were asking about here. Benchmarking the *query* side of things can be extremely complicated. You have to worry about memory allocation, cold vs. warm cache, scale of database relative to RAM, etc.

You were asking specifically about *insert* performance, which isn't nearly as complicated. There are basically three setups:

1) Disk/controller has a proper write cache. Writes and fsync will be fast. You can insert a few thousand individual transactions per second.

2) Disk/controller has a "lying" write cache. Writes and fsync will be fast, but it's not safe for database use. But since (1) is expensive and this one you can get for free jut by using a regular SATA drive with its write cache enabled, you can use this case as a proxy for approximately how (1) would act. You'll still get a few thousand transactions per second, sustained writes may slow down relative to (1) if you insert enough that you hit a checkpoint (triggering lots of random I/O).

3) All write caches have been disabled because they were not battery-backed. This is the case if you have a regular SATA drive and you disable its write cache because you care about write durability. You'll get a bit less than RPM/60 writes/second, so <120 inserts/second with a typical 7200RPM drive. Here batching multiple INSERTs together is critical to get any sort of reasonable performance.

in case #1 would you expect to get significant gains from batching? doesn't it suffer from problems similar to #2 when checkpoints hit?

In (3), I'd expect that trivia like INSERT vs. COPY and COPY BINARY vs. COPY TEXT would be overwhelmed by the overhead of the commit itself. Therefore you probably want to test with case (2) instead, as it doesn't require any additional hardware but has similar performance to a production-worthy (1). All of the other things you're worried about really don't matter here; you can get an approximate measure of what the performance of the various INSERT/COPY schemes are that is somewhat platform dependant, but the results should be good enough to give you some rule of thumb suggestions for whether optimizations are significant enough to justify the coding effort to implement them or not.

I'll see about setting up a test in the next day or so. should I be able to script this through psql? or do I need to write a C program to test this?

I'm not sure whether you're familiar with all the fsync trivia here. In normal syslog use, there's an fsync call after every write. You can disable that by placing a "-" before the file name in /etc/syslog.conf The thing that is going to make database-based writes very different is that syslog's fsync'd writes are unlikely to leave you in a bad state if the drive lies about them, while database writes can. So someone using syslog on a standard SATA drive isn't getting the write guarantee they think they are, but the downside on a crash is minimal. If you've got a high-volume syslog environment (>100 lines/second), you can't support those as individual database writes unless you've got a battery-backed write controller. A regular disk just can't process genuine fsync calls any faster than that. A serious syslog deployment that turns fsync on and expects it to really do its thing is already exposed to this issue though. I think it may be a the case that a lot of people think they have durable writes in their configuration but really don't.

rsyslog is a little different, instead of just input -> disk it does input -> queue -> output (where output can be many things, including disk or database)

it's default is to use memory-based queues (and no fsync), but has config options to do disk based queues with a fsync after each update

David Lang

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