Re: performance for high-volume log insertion

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On Mon, 20 Apr 2009, Stephen Frost wrote:


* david@xxxxxxx (david@xxxxxxx) wrote:
any idea what sort of difference binary mode would result in?

It depends a great deal on your application..

currently rsyslog makes use of it's extensive formatting capabilities to
format a string along the lines of
$DBformat="insert into table X values ('$timestamp','$msg');"

Is this primairly the commands sent to the database?  If so, I don't
think you'll get much by going to binary-mode.  The text '$msg' isn't
going to be any different in binary.  The '$timestamp' would be, but I'm
guessing you'd have to restructure it some to match the PG binary
timestamp format and while that *would* be a win, I don't think it would
end up being all that much of a win.

the applicaiton is the log server pulling apart messages, reformatting them to whatever is appropriate for the database schema, and then inserting them into the database (for other applications to access, ones that rsyslog knows nothing about)

I used the example of a trivial table with timestamp and log message, but in most cases you will break out sending host and application as well, and in some cases may parse apart the log message itself. I have a use case where the message itself if pipe delimited, and I will want to do make use of the first four fields of the message (probably as seperate columns) before dumping the rest of the message into a text field.

I proposed a 5 variable replacement for this to allow for N log entries
to be combined into one string to be sent to the database:

DBinit (one-time things like initialinzing prepared statements, etc)
DBstart (string for the start of a transaction)
DBjoin (tring to use to join multiple DBitems togeather)
DBend (string for the end of a transaction)
DBitem (formatting of a single action )

so you could do something like

DBstart = "insert into table X values"
DBjoin = ","
DBend = ";"
DBitem = "('$timestampe','$msg')"

and it would create a string like #2

Using this textual representation for the DBitem would cause difficulty
for any kind of prepared statement usage (Oracle or PG), and so I would
really recommend getting away from it if possible.

that example would be, but the same mechanism would let you do

DBinit="PREPARE rsyslog_insert(date, text) AS\nINSERT INTO foo VALUES(\$1, \$2);"
DBstart = "begini;B\n"
DBjoin = ""
DBend = "end;"
DBitem = "EXECUTE rsyslog_insert('$timestamp','$msg');\n"

which would become

PREPARE rsyslog_insert(date, text) AS
    INSERT INTO foo VALUES($1, $2);
EXECUTE rsyslog_insert('20090420-06:00', "log1");
EXECUTE rsyslog_insert('20090420-06:00', "log2");
EXECUTE rsyslog_insert('20090420-06:00', "log3");

which I think makes good use of prepared statements.

Instead, I would
encourage going with the PG (and Oracle, as I recall) structure of
having an array of pointers to the values.

Take a look at the documentation for PQexecParams here:

(note that you'll want to use PQprepare and PQexecPrepared in the end,
but the detailed documentation is under PQexecParams)

Basically, you would have:

DBnParams = 2;
DBparamValues[0] = ptr to $timestamp
DBparamValues[1] = ptr to $msg

If you just use the text format, you don't actually need anything else
for PG, just pass in NULL for paramTypes, paramLengths, and
paramFormats, and 0 for resultFormat.

Of course, if that's your only structure, then you can just make a C
struct that has those two pointers in it and simplify your API by
passing the struct around.

the database structure is not being defined by (or specificly for) rsyslog. so at compile time we have _no_ idea how many variables of what type there are going to be. my example of ($timestamp,$msg) was intended to just be a sample (avoiding typing out some elaberate set of parameters)

rsyslog provides the following items, which can be sliced and diced with substatutions, substrings, and additional inserted text.

msg 	the MSG part of the message (aka "the message" ;))

rawmsg the message excactly as it was received from the socket. Should be useful for debugging.

uxtradmsg 	will disappear soon - do NOT use!

hostname 	hostname from the message

source 	alias for HOSTNAME

fromhost hostname of the system the message was received from (in a relay chain, this is the system immediately in front of us and not necessarily the original sender). This is a DNS-resolved name, except if that is not possible or DNS resolution has been disabled.

fromhost-ip The same as fromhost, but alsways as an IP address. Local inputs (like imklog) use in this property.

syslogtag 	TAG from the message

programname the "static" part of the tag, as defined by BSD syslogd. For example, when TAG is "named[12345]", programname is "named".

pri 	PRI part of the message - undecoded (single value)

pri-text the PRI part of the message in a textual form (e.g. "")

iut 	the monitorware InfoUnitType - used when talking to a MonitorWare

backend (also for phpLogCon)

syslogfacility 	the facility from the message - in numerical form

syslogfacility-text 	the facility from the message - in text form

syslogseverity 	severity from the message - in numerical form

syslogseverity-text 	severity from the message - in text form

syslogpriority an alias for syslogseverity - included for historical reasons (be careful: it still is the severity, not PRI!)

syslogpriority-text 	an alias for syslogseverity-text

timegenerated timestamp when the message was RECEIVED. Always in high resolution

timereported timestamp from the message. Resolution depends on what was provided in the message (in most cases, only seconds)

timestamp 	alias for timereported

protocol-version The contents of the PROTCOL-VERSION field from IETF draft draft-ietf-syslog-protcol

structured-data The contents of the STRUCTURED-DATA field from IETF draft draft-ietf-syslog-protocol

app-name The contents of the APP-NAME field from IETF draft draft-ietf-syslog-protocol

procid The contents of the PROCID field from IETF draft draft-ietf-syslog-protocol

msgid The contents of the MSGID field from IETF draft draft-ietf-syslog-protocol

inputname The name of the input module that generated the message (e.g. "imuxsock", "imudp"). Note that not all modules necessarily provide this property. If not provided, it is an empty string. Also note that the input module may provide any value of its liking. Most importantly, it is not necessarily the module input name. Internal sources can also provide inputnames. Currently, "rsyslogd" is defined as inputname for messages internally generated by rsyslogd, for example startup and shutdown and error messages. This property is considered useful when trying to filter messages based on where they originated - e.g. locally generated messages ("rsyslogd", "imuxsock", "imklog") should go to a different place than messages generated somewhere.

$now 	The current date stamp in the format YYYY-MM-DD

$year 	The current year (4-digit)

$month 	The current month (2-digit)

$day 	The current day of the month (2-digit)

$hour 	The current hour in military (24 hour) time (2-digit)

$hhour The current half hour we are in. From minute 0 to 29, this is always 0 while from 30 to 59 it is always 1.

$qhour The current quarter hour we are in. Much like $HHOUR, but values range from 0 to 3 (for the four quater hours that are in each hour)

$minute 	The current minute (2-digit)

$myhostname The name of the current host as it knows itself (probably useful for filtering in a generic way)

this is extremely flexible. I think it can do everything except binary
mode operations, including copy. It is also pretty database agnostic.

With that DBitem, I'm not sure how you would do copy easily.  You'd have
to strip out the params and possibly the comma depending on what you're
doing, and you might have to adjust your escaping (how is that done
today in $msg?).  All-in-all, not using prepared queries is just messy
and I would recommend avoiding that, regardless of anything else.

rsyslog message formatting provides tools for doing the nessasary escaping (and is using it for the single insert messages today)

prepared statements in text mode have similar problems (although they _are_ better in defending against sql injection attacks, so a bit safer). I don't see how you would easily use the API that you pointed me at above without having to know the database layout at compile time.

but people are asking about how to do binary mode, and some were thinking
that you couldn't do prepared statements in Oracle with a string-based

Prepared statements pretty much require that you are able to pass in the
items in a non-string-based way (I don't mean to imply that you can't
use *strings*, you can, but it's 1 string per column).  Otherwise,
you've got the whole issue of figuring out where one column ends and the
next begins again, which is half the point of prepared statements.

if you had said figuring out where the column data ends and the SQL command begins I would have agreed with you fully.

I agree that defining a fixed table layout and compiling that knowledge into rsyslog is the safest (and probably most efficiant) way to do things, but there is no standard for log messages in a database, and different people will want to do different things with the logs, so I don't see how a fixed definition could work.

so I decided to post here to try and get an idea of (1) how much
performance would be lost by sticking with strings, and (2) of all the
various ways of inserting the data, what sort of performance differences
are we talking about

Sticking with strings, if that's the format that's going to end up in
the database, is fine.  That's an orthogonal issue to using prepared
statements though, which you should really do.  Once you've converted to
using prepared statements of some kind, and batching together inserts in
larger transactions instead of one insert per transactions, then you can
come back to the question of passing things-which-can-be-binary as
binary (eg, timestamps, integers, floats, doubles, etc) and do some
performance testing to see how much an improvment it will get you.

so the binary mode only makes a difference on things like timestamps and numbers? (i.e. no significant added efficiancy in processing the command itself?)

thanks for taking the time to answer, I was trying to keep the problem definition small and simple, and from your reply it looks like I made it too simple.

I think the huge complication is that when RedHat compiles rsyslog to ship it in the distro, they have no idea how it is going to be used (if it will go to a database, what database engine it will interface with, or what the schema of that database would look like). Only the sysadmin(s)/dba(s) know that and they need to be able to tell rsyslog what to do to get the data where they want it to be, and in the format they want it to be in.

David Lang

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