Re: Query performance over a large proportion of data

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decibel wrote:
On Mar 10, 2009, at 4:12 PM, Steve McLellan wrote:
The server itself is a dual-core 3.7GHz Xeon Dell (each core reporting 2
logical CPUs) running an amd64 build of FreeBSD 6.2, and postgres 8.3.5 built
from source.
Uh, you're running an amd64 build on top of an Intel CPU? I didn't think 
FBSD would allow that, but if it does it wouldn't surprise me if 
kernel/OS performance stunk. If Postgres then used the same settings it 
would make matters even worse (IIRC there is some code that's different 
in an AMD vs Intel build).
Uh? Amd64 just the name of the FreeBSD port for AMD/Intel 64 bit CPUs.



Matteo Beccati

OpenX -

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