Re: 8.4 Performance improvements: was Re: Proposal of tunable fix for scalability of 8.4

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On Fri, 13 Mar 2009, Jignesh K. Shah wrote:

I can use dbt2, dbt3 tests to see how 8.4 performs and compare it with 8.3?
That would be very helpful.  There's been some work at updating the DTrace 
capabilities available too; you might compare what that's reporting too.
* Visibility map - Reduce Vacuum overhead - (I think I can time vacuum with some usage on both databases)
The reduced vacuum overhead should show up as just better overall 
performance.  If you can seperate out the vacuum specific time that would 
be great, I don't know that it's essential.  If the changes don't just 
make a plain old speed improvement in your tests that would be a problem 
worth reporting.
* Parallel pg_restore (Can be tested with a big database dump)
It would be particularly useful if you could throw some of your 32+ core 
systems at a parallel restore of something with a bunch of tables.  I 
don't think there have been (m)any tests of that code on Solaris or with 
that many restore workers yet.
* Greg Smith gsmith@xxxxxxxxxxxxx Baltimore, MD

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