2nd part of table descriptions
Table "public.company"
Column | Type | Modifiers
id | integer | not null
name | character varying(255) |
active | integer | not null default 1
status | numeric | not null default 0
last_status_change | date |
not_modified_since | timestamp without time zone |
organization_id | integer |
added_user_id | numeric |
added_tm | timestamp without time zone |
edited_user_id | numeric |
edited_tm | timestamp without time zone |
folder_id | integer |
company_type_id | integer | not null
timezone | character varying(255) |
host_bill_count | numeric |
enforce_departments | boolean | not null default false
zipcode | character varying(255) |
address | character varying(255) |
"company_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
"idx_company_organization_id" btree (organization_id)
"idx_company_lower_name" btree (lower(name::text))
"idx_company_nms" btree (not_modified_since)
Foreign-key constraints:
"company_folder_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (folder_id) REFERENCES folder(id)
"company_company_type_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (company_type_id) REFERENCES company_type(id)
Inherits: resource
Table "public.project_invoice"
Column | Type | Modifiers
id | integer | not null
name | character varying(255) |
active | integer | not null default 1
status | numeric | not null default 0
last_status_change | date |
not_modified_since | timestamp without time zone |
organization_id | integer |
added_user_id | numeric |
added_tm | timestamp without time zone |
edited_user_id | numeric |
edited_tm | timestamp without time zone |
folder_id | integer |
start_date | date |
end_date | date |
owner_resource_id | numeric |
duration | numeric |
saturation | numeric |
"project_invoice_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
"idx_project_invoice_organization_id" btree (organization_id)
"idx_project_invoice_lower_name" btree (lower(name::text))
"idx_project_invoice_nms" btree (not_modified_since)
"idx_project_invoice_owner_resource_id" btree (owner_resource_id)
Inherits: resource
Table "public.resource"
Column | Type | Modifiers
id | integer | not null
name | character varying(255) |
active | integer | not null default 1
status | numeric | not null default 0
last_status_change | date |
not_modified_since | timestamp without time zone |
organization_id | integer |
added_user_id | numeric |
added_tm | timestamp without time zone |
edited_user_id | numeric |
edited_tm | timestamp without time zone |
folder_id | integer |
"resource_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
"idx_organization_id" btree (organization_id)
"idx_resource_lower_name" btree (lower(name::text))
Foreign-key constraints:
"resource_folder_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (folder_id) REFERENCES folder(id)
Table "public.invoice"
Column | Type | Modifiers
id | integer | not null
name | character varying(255) |
active | integer | not null default 1
status | numeric | not null default 0
last_status_change | date |
not_modified_since | timestamp without time zone |
organization_id | integer |
added_user_id | numeric |
added_tm | timestamp without time zone |
edited_user_id | numeric |
edited_tm | timestamp without time zone |
folder_id | integer |
start_date | date | not null
end_date | date |
day_of_week_mask | numeric | not null default 0
start_time | time without time zone | not null
end_time | time without time zone | not null
reservation_id | integer |
weight | numeric |
owner_resource_id | integer |
invoice_group | smallint | not null
"invoice_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
"idx_invoice_organization_id" btree (organization_id)
"idx_invoice_lower_name" btree (lower(name::text))
"idx_invoice_nms" btree (not_modified_since)
"idx_invoice_owner_resource_id" btree (owner_resource_id)
"idx_invoice_reservation_id" btree (reservation_id)
"idx_invoice_start_end_date" btree (start_date, end_date)
Foreign-key constraints:
"invoice_reservation_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (reservation_id) REFERENCES reservation(id)
Inherits: resource
Table "public.project"
Column | Type | Modifiers
id | integer | not null
name | character varying(255) |
active | integer | not null default 1
status | numeric | not null default 0
last_status_change | date |
not_modified_since | timestamp without time zone |
organization_id | integer |
added_user_id | numeric |
added_tm | timestamp without time zone |
edited_user_id | numeric |
edited_tm | timestamp without time zone |
folder_id | integer |
bank_id | integer | not null
department_id | integer |
x | numeric |
y | numeric |
z | numeric |
width | numeric |
height | numeric |
bill_no | numeric |
calculation_type | numeric | not null
"project_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
"idx_project_department_id" btree (department_id)
"idx_project_organization_id" btree (organization_id)
"idx_project_bank" btree (bank_id)
"idx_project_lower_name" btree (lower(name::text))
"idx_project_nms" btree (not_modified_since)
Foreign-key constraints:
"project_department_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (department_id) REFERENCES department(id)
"project_bank_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (bank_id) REFERENCES bank(id)
Inherits: resource
Table "public.project_type"
Column | Type | Modifiers
id | numeric | not null
project_id | integer | not null
active | integer | not null
not_modified_since | timestamp without time zone |
slot_id | integer | not null
day_mask | integer[] |
"resource_project_invoice_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
"idx_project_type_project_id" btree (project_id)
"idx_project_type_slot_id" btree (slot_id)
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