Re: Partial index usage

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On Feb 16, 2009, at 9:07 AM, Craig Ringer wrote:
CREATE INDEX uidx_product_partno_producer_id
 ON product
 USING btree
 (partno, producer_id);

CREATE INDEX idx_product_partno
 ON product
 USING btree

Can I safely delete the second one?
You can safely delete BOTH in that it won't hurt your data, only
potentially hurt performance.

Deleting the index on (partno) should somewhat improve insert
performance and performance on updates that can't be done via HOT.

However, the index on (partno, producer_id) is requires more storage and
memory than the index on just (partno). AFAIK it's considerably slower
to scan.

Actually, that's not necessarily true. If both partno and procuder_id are ints and you're on a 64bit platform, there won't be any change in index size, due to alignment issues.
Decibel!, aka Jim C. Nasby, Database Architect  decibel@xxxxxxxxxxx
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