On Feb 12, 2009, at 1:54 PM, Tom Lane wrote:
Rusty Conover <rconover@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
Since 100% of my queries are for retrieval, I should use GIN but it
never appears to be used unlike how GIST indexes are:
You haven't shown us either the table or the index declaration,
so it's a bit tough to comment on that. It's worth noting though
that your GIST example appears to rely on a nonstandard operator
regards, tom lane
Hi Tom,
My apologies, below is the table definition, and the GIN index creation.
The gist__int_ops is the default operator class for integer[] arrays,
as shown at:
gearbuyer_ig=# \d items
Table "public.items"
Column | Type | Modifiers
item_id | integer | not null default
gb_product_url | text | not null
group_id | integer |
category_id | integer |
product_name | text | not null
gender | text | not null
description_extract | text | not null
sort_price | real | not null
price_range | text | not null
brand_id | integer | not null
xapian_doc_id | integer |
average_rating | uint1 |
reviews_count | smallint |
store_count | uint1 |
default_image_id | integer |
available_sizes | integer[] |
fast_colors | integer[] |
has_coupons | boolean | not null default false
age_low | uint1 |
sale_percentage_low | uint1 |
store_count_low | uint1 |
price_range_low | smallint |
offering_stores | integer[] |
subclassification_ids | integer[] |
popularity_rank | integer |
default_similarity_type | uint1 |
default_similarity_id | integer |
gc_lookup_id | integer |
The GIN index was created via:
CREATE INDEX items_fast_colors_rdtree_idx ON items USING gin
Rusty Conover
InfoGears Inc / GearBuyer.com / FootwearBuyer.com
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