Re: Odd behavior with temp usage logging

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Craig Ringer wrote:
Josh Berkus wrote:

I turned on temp file logging for PostgreSQL to see if I needed to
adjust work_mem.  Oddly, it's logging file usage up to 33 times per
executed query (and no, the query isn't large enough to need 33 separate
Are you sure there's not a sort happening inside a loop? It might help
if you posted the actual log messages along with the output of `EXPLAIN
ANALYZE' on your query.
Hmmm, it's possible.  The sort sizes seem very large for the query in 
question, though.  Will have to check when I get back on the system.
That would make a TODO in tempfile logging though ... it would be *far* 
more useful to colect summary stats per query than log each individual sort.

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