query plan with index having a btrim is different for strings of different length

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I've discovered a peculiarity with using btrim in an index and was wondering if anyone has any input.

My table is like this:
                     Table "public.m_object_paper"
       Column        |          Type          |       Modifiers
 id                  | integer                | not null
 title               | character varying(200) | not null
 x_firstname         | character varying(50)  |
 x_lastname          | character varying(50)  |
 page_count          | smallint               |
 compare_to_database | bit varying            | not null
    "m_object_paper_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
    "last_name_fnc_idx" btree (lower(btrim(x_lastname::text)))
    "m_object_paper_assignment_idx" btree (assignment)
    "m_object_paper_owner_idx" btree (owner) CLUSTER
<...snip to end...>

My query is like this:
SELECT m_object_paper.id FROM m_object_paper, m_assignment WHERE m_object_paper.assignment = m_assignment.id AND m_object_paper.owner=-1 AND m_assignment.class = 2450798 AND lower(btrim(x_firstname)) = lower(btrim($FIRSTNAME)) and lower(btrim(x_lastname)) = lower(btrim($LASTNAME));

Strangely, if $LASTNAME is 5 chars, the query plan looks like this:
tii=# explain SELECT m_object_paper.id FROM m_object_paper, m_assignment WHERE m_object_paper.assignment = m_assignment.id AND m_object_paper.owner=-1 AND m_assignment.class = 2450798 AND lower(btrim(x_firstname)) = lower(btrim('Jordan')) and lower(btrim(x_lastname)) = lower(btrim('Smith'));
                                                  QUERY PLAN
 Hash Join  (cost=181704.85..291551.77 rows=1 width=4)
   Hash Cond: (m_object_paper.assignment = m_assignment.id)
-> Bitmap Heap Scan on m_object_paper (cost=181524.86..291369.66 rows=562 width=8) Recheck Cond: ((lower(btrim((x_lastname)::text)) = 'smith'::text) AND (owner = (-1)))
         Filter: (lower(btrim((x_firstname)::text)) = 'jordan'::text)
         ->  BitmapAnd  (cost=181524.86..181524.86 rows=112429 width=0)
-> Bitmap Index Scan on last_name_fnc_idx (cost=0.00..5468.29 rows=496740 width=0) Index Cond: (lower(btrim((x_lastname)::text)) = 'smith'::text) -> Bitmap Index Scan on m_object_paper_owner_idx (cost=0.00..176056.04 rows=16061244 width=0)
                     Index Cond: (owner = (-1))
   ->  Hash  (cost=177.82..177.82 rows=174 width=4)
-> Index Scan using m_assignment_class_idx on m_assignment (cost=0.00..177.82 rows=174 width=4)
               Index Cond: (class = 2450798)
(13 rows)

However, if $LASTNAME is != 5 chars (1 char, 100 chars, doesn't make a difference), the query plan looks like this: tii=# explain SELECT m_object_paper.id FROM m_object_paper, m_assignment WHERE m_object_paper.assignment = m_assignment.id AND m_object_paper.owner=-1 AND m_assignment.class = 2450798 AND lower(btrim(x_firstname)) = lower(btrim('Jordan')) and lower(btrim(x_lastname)) = lower(btrim('Smithers'));
                                            QUERY PLAN
 Nested Loop  (cost=0.00..10141.06 rows=1 width=4)
-> Index Scan using last_name_fnc_idx on m_object_paper (cost=0.00..10114.24 rows=11 width=8) Index Cond: (lower(btrim((x_lastname)::text)) = 'smithers'::text) Filter: ((owner = (-1)) AND (lower(btrim((x_firstname)::text)) = 'jordan'::text)) -> Index Scan using m_assignment_pkey on m_assignment (cost=0.00..2.43 rows=1 width=4)
         Index Cond: (m_assignment.id = m_object_paper.assignment)
         Filter: (m_assignment.class = 2450798)
(7 rows)

In practice, the difference is 300+ seconds when $LASTNAME == 5 chars and <1 second when $LASTNAME != 5 chars.

Would anyone know what's going on here? Is there something about the way btrim works, or perhaps with the way indexes are created? It's strange that the query plan would change for just one case ("Jones," "Smith," "Brown," etc., all cause the query plan to use that extra heap scan).

Thanks for any help!

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