The below query is spending most of its time in the sort, or perhaps the complicated check condition before it. The explain has a 8 second gap in time between the 2.8 seconds after the Hash Left Join and before the Sort. I'm guessing its hidden in the sort. You can get the planner to switch from a sort to a hash aggregate with a large work_mem. Try calling SET work_mem = '100MB'; before this query first. It may not help that much if the check time is as expensive as it looks in the plan below, but its very easy to try. If it does help, you may want to temporarily increase that value only for this query rather than making it a default in the config file. ________________________________________ From: pgsql-performance-owner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx [pgsql-performance-owner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Andrus [kobruleht2@xxxxxx] Sent: Friday, November 28, 2008 7:04 AM To: pgsql-performance@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx Subject: Increasing GROUP BY CHAR columns speed Group by using CHAR columns takes abnormally big time. How to speed it ? Andrus. 8.1.4, cluster locale is en-us, db encoding is utf-8 set search_path to firma2,public; explain analyze SELECT CASE WHEN bilkaib.raha='EEK' THEN 0 ELSE END, bilkaib.DB, CASE WHEN dbkonto.objekt1='+' THEN bilkaib.DBOBJEKT ELSE null END:: CHAR(10) AS dbobjekt, CASE WHEN dbkonto.objekt2='+' THEN bilkaib.DB2OBJEKT ELSE null END:: CHAR(10) AS db2objekt, CASE WHEN dbkonto.objekt3='+' THEN bilkaib.DB3OBJEKT ELSE null END:: CHAR(10) AS db3objekt, CASE WHEN dbkonto.objekt4='+' THEN bilkaib.DB4OBJEKT ELSE null END:: CHAR(10) AS db4objekt, CASE WHEN dbkonto.objekt5='+' THEN bilkaib.DB5OBJEKT ELSE null END:: CHAR(10) AS db5objekt, CASE WHEN dbkonto.objekt6='+' THEN bilkaib.DB6OBJEKT ELSE null END:: CHAR(10) AS db6objekt, CASE WHEN dbkonto.objekt7='+' THEN bilkaib.DB7OBJEKT ELSE null END:: CHAR(10) AS db7objekt, CASE WHEN dbkonto.objekt8='+' THEN bilkaib.DB8OBJEKT ELSE null END:: CHAR(10) AS db8objekt, CASE WHEN dbkonto.objekt9='+' THEN bilkaib.DB9OBJEKT ELSE null END:: CHAR(10) AS db9objekt, bilkaib.CR, CASE WHEN crkonto.objekt1='+' THEN bilkaib.crOBJEKT ELSE null END:: CHAR(10) AS crobjekt, CASE WHEN crkonto.objekt2='+' THEN bilkaib.cr2OBJEKT ELSE null END:: CHAR(10) AS cr2objekt, CASE WHEN crkonto.objekt3='+' THEN bilkaib.cr3OBJEKT ELSE null END:: CHAR(10) AS cr3objekt, CASE WHEN crkonto.objekt4='+' THEN bilkaib.cr4OBJEKT ELSE null END:: CHAR(10) AS cr4objekt, CASE WHEN crkonto.objekt5='+' THEN bilkaib.cr5OBJEKT ELSE null END:: CHAR(10) AS cr5objekt, CASE WHEN crkonto.objekt6='+' THEN bilkaib.cr6OBJEKT ELSE null END:: CHAR(10) AS cr6objekt, CASE WHEN crkonto.objekt7='+' THEN bilkaib.cr7OBJEKT ELSE null END:: CHAR(10) AS cr7objekt, CASE WHEN crkonto.objekt8='+' THEN bilkaib.cr8OBJEKT ELSE null END:: CHAR(10) AS cr8objekt, CASE WHEN crkonto.objekt9='+' THEN bilkaib.cr9OBJEKT ELSE null END:: CHAR(10) AS cr9objekt, bilkaib.RAHA, CASE WHEN crkonto.klienkaupa OR dbkonto.klienkaupa OR crkonto.tyyp IN ('K','I') OR dbkonto.tyyp IN ('K','I') THEN bilkaib.KLIENT ELSE NULL END AS klient, bilkaib.EXCHRATE, CASE WHEN crkonto.klienkaupa OR dbkonto.klienkaupa OR crkonto.tyyp IN ('K','I') OR dbkonto.tyyp IN ('K','I') THEN klient.nimi ELSE NULL END AS kliendinim, -- 24. CAST(CASE WHEN crkonto.arvekaupa OR dbkonto.arvekaupa OR (<>'00' AND crkonto.tyyp='K') OR (bilkaib.db<>'00' AND dbkonto.tyyp='K') THEN bilkaib.doknr ELSE NULL END AS CHAR(25)) AS doknr ,bilkaib.ratediffer ,CASE WHEN bilkaib.raha='EEK' THEN DATE'20070101' ELSE bilkaib.kuupaev END AS kuupaev ,SUM(bilkaib.summa)::numeric(14,2) AS summa from BILKAIB join KONTO CRKONTO ON AND crkonto.iseloom='A' join KONTO DBKONTO ON bilkaib.db=dbkonto.kontonr AND dbkonto.iseloom='A' left join klient on bilkaib.klient=klient.kood where ( LIKE '112'||'%' OR bilkaib.db LIKE '112'||'%' ) AND bilkaib.kuupaev BETWEEN '2007-01-01' AND '2008-11-26' GROUP BY 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28 "GroupAggregate (cost=52316.23..61434.48 rows=41923 width=838) (actual time=10771.337..11372.135 rows=577 loops=1)" " -> Sort (cost=52316.23..52421.03 rows=41923 width=838) (actual time=10770.529..11012.651 rows=52156 loops=1)" " Sort Key: CASE WHEN (bilkaib.raha = 'EEK'::bpchar) THEN 0 ELSE END, bilkaib.db, (CASE WHEN (dbkonto.objekt1 = '+'::bpchar) THEN bilkaib.dbobjekt ELSE NULL::bpchar END)::character(10), (CASE WHEN (dbkonto.objekt2 = '+'::bpchar) THEN bilkaib.db2objekt ELSE NULL::bpchar END)::character(10), (CASE WHEN (dbkonto.objekt3 = '+'::bpchar) THEN bilkaib.db3objekt ELSE NULL::bpchar END)::character(10), (CASE WHEN (dbkonto.objekt4 = '+'::bpchar) THEN bilkaib.db4objekt ELSE NULL::bpchar END)::character(10), (CASE WHEN (dbkonto.objekt5 = '+'::bpchar) THEN bilkaib.db5objekt ELSE NULL::bpchar END)::character(10), (CASE WHEN (dbkonto.objekt6 = '+'::bpchar) THEN bilkaib.db6objekt ELSE NULL::bpchar END)::character(10), (CASE WHEN (dbkonto.objekt7 = '+'::bpchar) THEN bilkaib.db7objekt ELSE NULL::bpchar END)::character(10), (CASE WHEN (dbkonto.objekt8 = '+'::bpchar) THEN bilkaib.db8objekt ELSE NULL::bpchar END)::character(10), (CASE WHEN (dbkonto.objekt9 = '+'::bpchar) THEN bilkaib.db9objekt ELSE NULL::bpchar END)::character(10),, (CASE WHEN (crkonto.objekt1 = '+'::bpchar) THEN bilkaib.crobjekt ELSE NULL::bpchar END)::character(10), (CASE WHEN (crkonto.objekt2 = '+'::bpchar) THEN bilkaib.cr2objekt ELSE NULL::bpchar END)::character(10), (CASE WHEN (crkonto.objekt3 = '+'::bpchar) THEN bilkaib.cr3objekt ELSE NULL::bpchar END)::character(10), (CASE WHEN (crkonto.objekt4 = '+'::bpchar) THEN bilkaib.cr4objekt ELSE NULL::bpchar END)::character(10), (CASE WHEN (crkonto.objekt5 = '+'::bpchar) THEN bilkaib.cr5objekt ELSE NULL::bpchar END)::character(10), (CASE WHEN (crkonto.objekt6 = '+'::bpchar) THEN bilkaib.cr6objekt ELSE NULL::bpchar END)::character(10), (CASE WHEN (crkonto.objekt7 = '+'::bpchar) THEN bilkaib.cr7objekt ELSE NULL::bpchar END)::character(10), (CASE WHEN (crkonto.objekt8 = '+'::bpchar) THEN bilkaib.cr8objekt ELSE NULL::bpchar END)::character(10), (CASE WHEN (crkonto.objekt9 = '+'::bpchar) THEN bilkaib.cr9objekt ELSE NULL::bpchar END)::character(10), bilkaib.raha, CASE WHEN ((crkonto.klienkaupa)::boolean OR (dbkonto.klienkaupa)::boolean OR (crkonto.tyyp = 'K'::bpchar) OR (crkonto.tyyp = 'I'::bpchar) OR (dbkonto.tyyp = 'K'::bpchar) OR (dbkonto.tyyp = 'I'::bpchar)) THEN bilkaib.klient ELSE NULL::bpchar END, bilkaib.exchrate, CASE WHEN ((crkonto.klienkaupa)::boolean OR (dbkonto.klienkaupa)::boolean OR (crkonto.tyyp = 'K'::bpchar) OR (crkonto.tyyp = 'I'::bpchar) OR (dbkonto.tyyp = 'K'::bpchar) OR (dbkonto.tyyp = 'I'::bpchar)) THEN klient.nimi ELSE NULL::bpchar END, (CASE WHEN ((crkonto.arvekaupa)::boolean OR (dbkonto.arvekaupa)::boolean OR (( <> '00'::bpchar) AND (crkonto.tyyp = 'K'::bpchar)) OR ((bilkaib.db <> '00'::bpchar) AND (dbkonto.tyyp = 'K'::bpchar))) THEN bilkaib.doknr ELSE NULL::bpchar END)::character(25), bilkaib.ratediffer, CASE WHEN (bilkaib.raha = 'EEK'::bpchar) THEN '2007-01-01'::date ELSE bilkaib.kuupaev END" " -> Hash Left Join (cost=936.48..40184.64 rows=41923 width=838) (actual time=46.000..2820.944 rows=52156 loops=1)" " Hash Cond: ("outer".klient = "inner".kood)" " -> Hash Join (cost=785.35..34086.74 rows=41923 width=764) (actual time=34.547..1563.790 rows=52156 loops=1)" " Hash Cond: ("outer".cr = "inner".kontonr)" " -> Hash Join (cost=764.26..33403.76 rows=48533 width=712) (actual time=32.069..1082.505 rows=52156 loops=1)" " Hash Cond: ("outer".db = "inner".kontonr)" " -> Bitmap Heap Scan on bilkaib (cost=743.17..32616.41 rows=56185 width=660) (actual time=29.652..518.289 rows=52156 loops=1)" " Recheck Cond: ((cr ~~ '112%'::text) OR (db ~~ '112%'::text))" " Filter: (((cr ~~ '112%'::text) OR (db ~~ '112%'::text)) AND (kuupaev >= '2007-01-01'::date) AND (kuupaev <= '2008-11-26'::date))" " -> BitmapOr (cost=743.17..743.17 rows=65862 width=0) (actual time=26.539..26.539 rows=0 loops=1)" " -> Bitmap Index Scan on bilkaib_cr_pattern_idx (cost=0.00..236.63 rows=20939 width=0) (actual time=8.510..8.510 rows=21028 loops=1)" " Index Cond: ((cr ~>=~ '112'::bpchar) AND (cr ~<~ '113'::bpchar))" " -> Bitmap Index Scan on bilkaib_db_pattern_idx (cost=0.00..506.54 rows=44923 width=0) (actual time=18.013..18.013 rows=45426 loops=1)" " Index Cond: ((db ~>=~ '112'::bpchar) AND (db ~<~ '113'::bpchar))" " -> Hash (cost=20.49..20.49 rows=241 width=66) (actual time=2.375..2.375 rows=241 loops=1)" " -> Seq Scan on konto dbkonto (cost=0.00..20.49 rows=241 width=66) (actual time=0.011..1.207 rows=241 loops=1)" " Filter: (iseloom = 'A'::bpchar)" " -> Hash (cost=20.49..20.49 rows=241 width=66) (actual time=2.451..2.451 rows=241 loops=1)" " -> Seq Scan on konto crkonto (cost=0.00..20.49 rows=241 width=66) (actual time=0.022..1.259 rows=241 loops=1)" " Filter: (iseloom = 'A'::bpchar)" " -> Hash (cost=147.90..147.90 rows=1290 width=90) (actual time=11.371..11.371 rows=1290 loops=1)" " -> Seq Scan on klient (cost=0.00..147.90 rows=1290 width=90) (actual time=0.009..5.587 rows=1290 loops=1)" "Total runtime: 11380.437 ms" If group by is removed same query runs 8 times (!) faster: set search_path to firma2,public; explain analyze SELECT SUM(bilkaib.summa)::numeric(14,2) AS summa from BILKAIB join KONTO CRKONTO ON AND crkonto.iseloom='A' join KONTO DBKONTO ON bilkaib.db=dbkonto.kontonr AND dbkonto.iseloom='A' left join klient on bilkaib.klient=klient.kood where ( LIKE '112'||'%' OR bilkaib.db LIKE '112'||'%' ) AND bilkaib.kuupaev BETWEEN '2007-01-01' AND '2008-11-26' "Aggregate (cost=34944.27..34944.28 rows=1 width=11) (actual time=1781.456..1781.460 rows=1 loops=1)" " -> Hash Left Join (cost=936.48..34839.46 rows=41923 width=11) (actual time=41.194..1545.105 rows=52156 loops=1)" " Hash Cond: ("outer".klient = "inner".kood)" " -> Hash Join (cost=785.35..34086.74 rows=41923 width=27) (actual time=30.372..1120.431 rows=52156 loops=1)" " Hash Cond: ("outer".cr = "inner".kontonr)" " -> Hash Join (cost=764.26..33403.76 rows=48533 width=41) (actual time=28.168..710.336 rows=52156 loops=1)" " Hash Cond: ("outer".db = "inner".kontonr)" " -> Bitmap Heap Scan on bilkaib (cost=743.17..32616.41 rows=56185 width=55) (actual time=25.970..294.638 rows=52156 loops=1)" " Recheck Cond: ((cr ~~ '112%'::text) OR (db ~~ '112%'::text))" " Filter: (((cr ~~ '112%'::text) OR (db ~~ '112%'::text)) AND (kuupaev >= '2007-01-01'::date) AND (kuupaev <= '2008-11-26'::date))" " -> BitmapOr (cost=743.17..743.17 rows=65862 width=0) (actual time=23.056..23.056 rows=0 loops=1)" " -> Bitmap Index Scan on bilkaib_cr_pattern_idx (cost=0.00..236.63 rows=20939 width=0) (actual time=7.414..7.414 rows=21028 loops=1)" " Index Cond: ((cr ~>=~ '112'::bpchar) AND (cr ~<~ '113'::bpchar))" " -> Bitmap Index Scan on bilkaib_db_pattern_idx (cost=0.00..506.54 rows=44923 width=0) (actual time=15.627..15.627 rows=45426 loops=1)" " Index Cond: ((db ~>=~ '112'::bpchar) AND (db ~<~ '113'::bpchar))" " -> Hash (cost=20.49..20.49 rows=241 width=14) (actual time=2.164..2.164 rows=241 loops=1)" " -> Seq Scan on konto dbkonto (cost=0.00..20.49 rows=241 width=14) (actual time=0.012..1.205 rows=241 loops=1)" " Filter: (iseloom = 'A'::bpchar)" " -> Hash (cost=20.49..20.49 rows=241 width=14) (actual time=2.177..2.177 rows=241 loops=1)" " -> Seq Scan on konto crkonto (cost=0.00..20.49 rows=241 width=14) (actual time=0.019..1.203 rows=241 loops=1)" " Filter: (iseloom = 'A'::bpchar)" " -> Hash (cost=147.90..147.90 rows=1290 width=16) (actual time=10.782..10.782 rows=1290 loops=1)" " -> Seq Scan on klient (cost=0.00..147.90 rows=1290 width=16) (actual time=0.009..5.597 rows=1290 loops=1)" "Total runtime: 1781.673 ms" -- Sent via pgsql-performance mailing list (pgsql-performance@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx) To make changes to your subscription: -- Sent via pgsql-performance mailing list (pgsql-performance@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx) To make changes to your subscription: