Tom Lane wrote:
Yep, sure enough, the 'act' table's indexes have it set and jefftest and jefftest2's indexes do not.Jeff Frost <jeff@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:I've run across a strange problem with PG 8.3.3 not using indexes on a particular table after building the table during a transaction.This may be a HOT side-effect ... is pg_index.indcheckxmin set for the index? select c.relname,i.indcheckxmin from pg_class c, pg_index i WHERE i.indexrelid = c.oid AND c.relname IN ('act_act_usr_id', 'act_arrived', 'act_closing', 'act_place'); relname | indcheckxmin ----------------+-------------- act_closing | t act_act_usr_id | t act_place | t act_arrived | t (4 rows) consdb=# select c.relname,i.indcheckxmin from pg_class c, pg_index i WHERE i.indexrelid = c.oid AND c.relname IN ('jefftest2_jefftest_usr_id', 'jefftest2_arrived', 'jefftest2_closing', 'jefftest2_place'); relname | indcheckxmin ---------------------------+-------------- jefftest2_jefftest_usr_id | f jefftest2_place | f jefftest2_arrived | f jefftest2_closing | f (4 rows) -- Jeff Frost, Owner <jeff@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> Frost Consulting, LLC Phone: 916-647-6411 FAX: 916-405-4032 |