I've canned the db and got rid my of data.
I'm in the midst of doing some other benchmarking for a possible change
to the bacula database.
Loading up 1M records into a table of 60M records complete with indexes.
It's still going...
Dan Langille wrote:
On Sep 28, 2008, at 10:01 PM, John Huttley wrote:
Greg Smith wrote:
On Mon, 29 Sep 2008, John Huttley wrote:
checkpoint _segments=16 is fine, going to 64 made no improvement.
You might find that it does *after* increasing shared_buffers. If
the buffer cache is really small, the checkpoints can't have very
much work to do, so their impact on performance is smaller. Once
you've got a couple of hundred MB on there, the per-checkpoint
overhead can be considerable.
Ahh bugger, I've just trashed my test setup.
Pardon? How did you do that?