Re: limit clause breaks query planner?

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Here is the results of 'vacuum analyse verbose' on my table:

INFO:  vacuuming "public.jbpm_taskinstance"
INFO:  scanned index "jbpm_taskinstance_pkey" to remove 928153 row versions
DETAIL:  CPU 0.70s/2.40u sec elapsed 46.49 sec.
INFO:  scanned index "idx_tskinst_tminst" to remove 928153 row versions
DETAIL:  CPU 0.78s/2.34u sec elapsed 88.99 sec.
INFO:  scanned index "idx_tskinst_slinst" to remove 928153 row versions
DETAIL:  CPU 0.63s/2.37u sec elapsed 92.54 sec.
INFO:  scanned index "idx_taskinst_tokn" to remove 928153 row versions
DETAIL:  CPU 0.99s/2.30u sec elapsed 110.29 sec.
INFO:  scanned index "idx_taskinst_tsk" to remove 928153 row versions
DETAIL:  CPU 0.92s/2.63u sec elapsed 89.16 sec.
INFO:  scanned index "idx_pooled_actor" to remove 928153 row versions
DETAIL:  CPU 0.32s/1.65u sec elapsed 2.56 sec.
INFO:  scanned index "idx_task_actorid" to remove 928153 row versions
DETAIL:  CPU 0.09s/1.88u sec elapsed 2.69 sec.
INFO:  "jbpm_taskinstance": removed 928153 row versions in 13685 pages
DETAIL:  CPU 0.84s/0.82u sec elapsed 26.42 sec.
INFO:  index "jbpm_taskinstance_pkey" now contains 7555748 row versions in
62090 pages
DETAIL:  927985 index row versions were removed.
0 index pages have been deleted, 0 are currently reusable.
CPU 0.00s/0.00u sec elapsed 0.03 sec.
INFO:  index "idx_tskinst_tminst" now contains 7555748 row versions in 65767

Afterwards I ran a 'vacuum full verbose'

INFO:  vacuuming "public.jbpm_taskinstance"
INFO:  "jbpm_taskinstance": found 0 removable, 7555748 nonremovable row
versions in 166156 pages
DETAIL:  0 dead row versions cannot be removed yet.
Nonremovable row versions range from 88 to 209 bytes long.
There were 8470471 unused item pointers.
Total free space (including removable row versions) is 208149116 bytes.
9445 pages are or will become empty, including 0 at the end of the table.
119104 pages containing 206008504 free bytes are potential move
CPU 2.44s/1.60u sec elapsed 127.89 sec.
INFO:  index "jbpm_taskinstance_pkey" now contains 7555748 row versions in
62090 pages
DETAIL:  0 index row versions were removed.
0 index pages have been deleted, 0 are currently reusable.
CPU 0.87s/2.16u sec elapsed 120.81 sec.
INFO:  index "idx_tskinst_tminst" now contains 7555748 row versions in 65767
DETAIL:  0 index row versions were removed.
26024 index pages have been deleted, 26024 are currently reusable.
CPU 0.79s/1.95u sec elapsed 103.52 sec.
INFO:  index "idx_tskinst_slinst" now contains 7555748 row versions in 56031
DETAIL:  0 index row versions were removed.
28343 index pages have been deleted, 28343 are currently reusable.
CPU 0.62s/1.93u sec elapsed 99.21 sec.
INFO:  index "idx_taskinst_tokn" now contains 7555748 row versions in 65758
DETAIL:  0 index row versions were removed.
26012 index pages have been deleted, 26012 are currently reusable.
CPU 1.10s/2.18u sec elapsed 108.29 sec.
INFO:  index "idx_taskinst_tsk" now contains 7555748 row versions in 64516
DETAIL:  0 index row versions were removed.
0 index pages have been deleted, 0 are currently reusable.
CPU 1.01s/1.73u sec elapsed 64.73 sec.
INFO:  index "idx_pooled_actor" now contains 7555748 row versions in 20896
DETAIL:  0 index row versions were removed.
136 index pages have been deleted, 136 are currently reusable.
CPU 0.26s/1.57u sec elapsed 3.01 sec.
INFO:  index "idx_task_actorid" now contains 7555748 row versions in 20885
DETAIL:  0 index row versions were removed.
121 index pages have been deleted, 121 are currently reusable.
CPU 0.23s/1.52u sec elapsed 2.77 sec.
INFO:  "jbpm_taskinstance": moved 1374243 row versions, truncated 166156 to
140279 pages
DETAIL:  CPU 26.50s/138.35u sec elapsed 735.02 sec.
INFO:  index "jbpm_taskinstance_pkey" now contains 7555748 row versions in
62090 pages
DETAIL:  1374243 index row versions were removed.
0 index pages have been deleted, 0 are currently reusable.
CPU 1.04s/1.38u sec elapsed 117.72 sec.
INFO:  index "idx_tskinst_tminst" now contains 7555748 row versions in 65767
DETAIL:  1374243 index row versions were removed.
26024 index pages have been deleted, 26024 are currently reusable.
CPU 1.37s/1.01u sec elapsed 123.56 sec.
INFO:  index "idx_tskinst_slinst" now contains 7555748 row versions in 56031
DETAIL:  1374243 index row versions were removed.
28560 index pages have been deleted, 28560 are currently reusable.
CPU 1.20s/1.27u sec elapsed 105.67 sec.
INFO:  index "idx_taskinst_tokn" now contains 7555748 row versions in 65758
DETAIL:  1374243 index row versions were removed.
26012 index pages have been deleted, 26012 are currently reusable.
CPU 1.29s/0.96u sec elapsed 112.62 sec.
INFO:  index "idx_taskinst_tsk" now contains 7555748 row versions in 64516
DETAIL:  1374243 index row versions were removed.
0 index pages have been deleted, 0 are currently reusable.
CPU 1.48s/1.12u sec elapsed 70.56 sec.
INFO:  index "idx_pooled_actor" now contains 7555748 row versions in 25534
DETAIL:  1374243 index row versions were removed.
3769 index pages have been deleted, 3769 are currently reusable.
CPU 0.48s/0.82u sec elapsed 6.89 sec.
INFO:  index "idx_task_actorid" now contains 7555748 row versions in 25545
DETAIL:  1374243 index row versions were removed.
3790 index pages have been deleted, 3790 are currently reusable.
CPU 0.37s/1.24u sec elapsed 7.93 sec.
INFO:  vacuuming "pg_toast.pg_toast_560501"
INFO:  "pg_toast_560501": found 0 removable, 0 nonremovable row versions in
0 pages
DETAIL:  0 dead row versions cannot be removed yet.
Nonremovable row versions range from 0 to 0 bytes long.
There were 0 unused item pointers.
Total free space (including removable row versions) is 0 bytes.
0 pages are or will become empty, including 0 at the end of the table.
0 pages containing 0 free bytes are potential move destinations.
CPU 0.00s/0.00u sec elapsed 0.00 sec.
INFO:  index "pg_toast_560501_index" now contains 0 row versions in 1 pages
DETAIL:  0 index pages have been deleted, 0 are currently reusable.
CPU 0.00s/0.00u sec elapsed 0.00 sec.

Query returned successfully with no result in 1910948 ms.

So it looks to me like it was bloated by about 25%.  Performance seems
better for 'some' values of column B (I believe all the vacuumed rows were
at the beginning), but I've still done the same query which can take over a
minute in some cases - depending on caching etc.  It is still choosing
sequential scan.

Here are the queries you requested:
EXPLAIN ANALYZE SELECT count(*) FROM jbpm_taskinstance WHERE actorid_ IS
"Aggregate  (cost=234297.69..234297.70 rows=1 width=0) (actual
time=109648.328..109648.330 rows=1 loops=1)"
"  ->  Seq Scan on jbpm_taskinstance  (cost=0.00..215836.48 rows=7384484
width=0) (actual time=13.684..99002.279 rows=7315726 loops=1)"
"        Filter: (actorid_ IS NULL)"
"Total runtime: 109648.403 ms"

EXPLAIN ANALYZE SELECT count(*) FROM jbpm_taskinstance WHERE
"Aggregate  (cost=180929.77..180929.78 rows=1 width=0) (actual
time=6739.215..6739.217 rows=1 loops=1)"
"  ->  Bitmap Heap Scan on jbpm_taskinstance  (cost=23839.23..178127.84
rows=1120769 width=0) (actual time=633.808..5194.672 rows=1020084 loops=1)"
"        Recheck Cond: ((pooledactor_)::text = '21'::text)"
"        ->  Bitmap Index Scan on idx_pooled_actor  (cost=0.00..23559.04
rows=1120769 width=0) (actual time=612.546..612.546 rows=1020084 loops=1)"
"              Index Cond: ((pooledactor_)::text = '21'::text)"
"Total runtime: 6739.354 ms"

EXPLAIN ANALYZE SELECT count(*) FROM jbpm_taskinstance WHERE actorid_ IS
NULL AND pooledactor_='21';
"Aggregate  (cost=180859.91..180859.92 rows=1 width=0) (actual
time=4358.316..4358.318 rows=1 loops=1)"
"  ->  Bitmap Heap Scan on jbpm_taskinstance  (cost=23832.88..178121.49
rows=1095365 width=0) (actual time=377.206..2929.735 rows=1020062 loops=1)"
"        Recheck Cond: ((pooledactor_)::text = '21'::text)"
"        Filter: (actorid_ IS NULL)"
"        ->  Bitmap Index Scan on idx_pooled_actor  (cost=0.00..23559.04
rows=1120769 width=0) (actual time=373.160..373.160 rows=1020084 loops=1)"
"              Index Cond: ((pooledactor_)::text = '21'::text)"
"Total runtime: 4366.766 ms"

Many thanks,

-----Original Message-----
From: Greg Stark [mailto:greg.stark] On Behalf Of Gregory
Sent: 02 September 2008 10:45
To: Guillaume Cottenceau
Cc: David West; pgsql-performance@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: limit clause breaks query planner?

>>>> "Limit  (cost=0.00..3.68 rows=15 width=128) (actual
time=85837.043..85896.140 rows=15 loops=1)"
>>>> "  ->  Seq Scan on my_table this_  (cost=0.00..258789.88 rows=1055580
width=128) (actual time=85837.038..85896.091 rows=15 loops=1)"
>>>> "        Filter: ((A IS NULL) AND ((B)::text = '21'::text))"
>>>> "Total runtime: 85896.214 ms"

Postgres does collect and use statistics about what fraction of the "A"
is null. It also collects and uses statistics about what fraction of the "B"
column is 21 (using a histogram). And it does take the LIMIT into account.

I think the other poster might well be right about this table being
bloated. You could test by running and posting the results of:


What it doesn't collect is where in the table those records are -- so if
are a lot of them then it might use a sequential scan regardless of whether
they're at the beginning or end of the table. That seems unlikely to be the
problem though.

The other thing it doesn't collect is how many of the B=21 records have null
As. So if a large percentage of the table has A as null then it will assume
that's true for the B=21 records and if there are a lot of B=21 records then
it will assume a sequential scan will find matches quickly. If in fact the
columns are highly correlated and B=21 records almost never have A null
whereas records with other values of B have lots of null values then
might make a bad decision here.

Also, it only has the statitics for B=21 via a histogram. If the
of B is highly skewed so that, for example values between 20 and 25 are very
common but B=21 happens to be quite rare then Postgres might get a bad
estimate here. You could improve this by raising the statistics target for
B column and re-analyzing.

That brings up another question -- when was the last time this table was

What estimates and actual results does postgres get for simple queries like:


  Gregory Stark
  Ask me about EnterpriseDB's PostGIS support!

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