Greg Smith wrote:
On Mon, 1 Sep 2008, Thomas Finneid wrote:
Thanks for all the info on the disk controller, I will have to look through all that now :)
I note that nobody has talked about your postgresql.conf yet. I assume you've turned autovacuum off because you're not ever deleting things from these tables.
That is correct.
You'll still need to run VACUUM ANALYZE periodically to keep good statistics for your tables, but I don't think that's
will look at it.
You should try setting this to open_sync , that can be considerably faster for some write-heavy situations. Make sure to test that throughly though, there are occasional reports of issues with that setting under Linux; seems to vary based on kernel version. I haven't had a chance to test the Ubuntu Hardy heavily in this area yet myself.
The production machine is Solaris 10 running on a Sun v980. Do you know of it has any issues like these? Additionally, would I need to do any config changes when going from linux to solaris?
The v980 has got lots of memory and a FC disk system, but I don't know much more about controllers and disk etc. But I suspects its got at least the same features as the disks and controller thats in the devel machine.
regards thomas