Patrick Vachon wrote:
> Hi guys,
> I've got a query that is running slower on 8.3 than on 8.1 (with
> equivalent server config),
> because the join ordering is not the same, at least that's my guess... ;-)
> In 8.1.4, table A had 122880 pages, B 112690 pages and C 80600 pages.
> Now in 8.3.3, table A has only 77560 pages, B 69580 but C remains at
> 80600 pages.
> In 8.1 the tables were joined in that way (using explain analyse):
> C join A join B
> now in 8.3:
> B join A join C
> Beside that, the plan is very similar, but the indexes used are not the
> same.
> Could the number of disk pages of a table influence the
> order in which it is joined, even when it is scanned with an index?
> I'm pretty sure it is because of the reduced table sizes,
> since the server configuration is the same.
> Thoughts?
8.3 has fewer automatic casts to text types; perhaps you have indexes which are not being used because of mismatched types ? Perhaps an EXPLAIN ANALYZE from both, if possible, would clairfy.
Greg Williamson
Senior DBA
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