Hi everybody, I'm fairly new to PostgreSQL and I have a problem with a query: SELECT * FROM "LockerEvents" LIMIT 10000 OFFSET 10990000 The table LockerEvents has 11 Mlillions records on it and this query takes about 60 seconds to complete. Moreover, even after making for each column in the table a index the EXPLAIN still uses sequential scan instead of indexes. The EXPLAIN is: "Limit (cost=100245579.54..100245803.00 rows=10000 width=60) (actual time=58414.753..58482.661 rows=10000 loops=1)" " -> Seq Scan on "LockerEvents" (cost=100000000.00..100245803.00 rows=11000000 width=60) (actual time=12.620..45463.222 rows=11000000 loops=1)" "Total runtime: 58493.648 ms" The table is: CREATE TABLE "LockerEvents" ( "ID" serial NOT NULL, "IDMoneySymbol" integer NOT NULL, "IDLocker" integer NOT NULL, "IDUser" integer NOT NULL, "IDEventType" integer NOT NULL, "TimeBegin" timestamp(0) without time zone NOT NULL, "Notes" character varying(200), "Income" double precision NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, "IncomeWithRate" double precision NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, CONSTRAINT pk_lockerevents_id PRIMARY KEY ("ID"), CONSTRAINT fk_lockerevents_ideventtype_eventtypes_id FOREIGN KEY ("IDEventType") REFERENCES "EventTypes" ("ID") MATCH SIMPLE ON UPDATE NO ACTION ON DELETE NO ACTION, CONSTRAINT fk_lockerevents_idlocker_lockers_id FOREIGN KEY ("IDLocker") REFERENCES "Lockers" ("ID") MATCH SIMPLE ON UPDATE NO ACTION ON DELETE NO ACTION, CONSTRAINT fk_lockerevents_idmoneysymbol_moneysymbols_id FOREIGN KEY ("IDMoneySymbol") REFERENCES "MoneySymbols" ("ID") MATCH SIMPLE ON UPDATE NO ACTION ON DELETE NO ACTION, CONSTRAINT fk_lockerevents_iduser_users_id FOREIGN KEY ("IDUser") REFERENCES "Users" ("ID") MATCH SIMPLE ON UPDATE NO ACTION ON DELETE NO ACTION ) WITH (OIDS=FALSE); CREATE INDEX idx_col_lockerevents_income ON "LockerEvents" USING btree ("Income"); CREATE INDEX idx_col_lockerevents_incomewithrate ON "LockerEvents" USING btree ("IncomeWithRate"); CREATE INDEX idx_col_lockerevents_notes ON "LockerEvents" USING btree ("Notes"); CREATE INDEX idx_col_lockerevents_timebegin ON "LockerEvents" USING btree ("TimeBegin"); CREATE INDEX idx_fk_lockerevents_ideventtype_eventtypes_id ON "LockerEvents" USING btree ("IDEventType"); CREATE INDEX idx_fk_lockerevents_idlocker_lockers_id ON "LockerEvents" USING btree ("IDLocker"); CREATE INDEX idx_fk_lockerevents_idmoneysymbol_moneysymbols_id ON "LockerEvents" USING btree ("IDMoneySymbol"); CREATE INDEX idx_fk_lockerevents_iduser_users_id ON "LockerEvents" USING btree ("IDUser"); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_pk_lockerevents_id ON "LockerEvents" USING btree ("ID"); If I do the query : SELECT * FROM "LockerEvents" LIMIT 10000 OFFSET 0 then this query takes under a second to complete - I believe this is because the sequential scan starts from beginning. I need the query to complete under 10 seconds and I do not know how to do it. Please help me! Thank you, Danny