D'Arcy J.M. Cain wrote:
I second that completelyOn Thu, 01 May 2008 01:16:00 -0300 "Marc G. Fournier" <scrappy@xxxxxxx> wrote:Someone on this list has one of those 'confirm your email' filters on theirArgh! Why do people think that it is OK to make their spam problem everyone else's problem? Whenever I see one of those I simply blackhole the server sending them. People, please, I know the spam you get isn't your fault but it isn't my fault either. You clean up your mailbox and I'll clean up mine. We use http://www.commtouch.com/ which is built into GMS along with black holes When they added commtouch to the server our spam went to maybe 2 to 5 spam messages a day per mailbox with only a handful of false positives over the past 2 years. Now if i can get them to dump MySQL as the backend |