On Wed, 13 Feb 2008, Magnus Hagander wrote:
On Wed, 13 Feb 2008, Rory Campbell-Lange wrote:
4 x 147GB 15000 rpm SCSI in RAID 10 with 320-1 RAID CARD + 64MB cache
In my experience, battery backed cache is always worth the money. Even if
you're mostly select, you will have some updates. And it'll also pick up
other write activity onthe system...
Of course. My point was that 64MB should be quite sufficient if most
accesses are reads. We have a few machines here with 2GB BBU caches as we
do LOTS of writes - that sort of thing probably isn't necessary here.
I suppose some of you have done a Continuous Maths course. Yes? Continuous
Maths? <menacing stares from audience> Whoah, it was like that, was it!
-- Computer Science Lecturer
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