On Thu, 17 Jan 2008, Scott Marlowe wrote:
On Jan 17, 2008 2:17 PM, Sean Davis <sdavis2@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
two3-ware cards, one 9640SE-24 and one 9640SE-16
Sounds like they're sharing something they shouldn't be. I'm not real
familiar with PCI-express. Aren't those the ones that use up to 16
channels for I/O? Can you divide it to 8 and 8 for each PCI-express
slot in the BIOS maybe, or something like that?
I can't find the 9640SE-24/16 anywhere, but presuming these are similar to
(or are actually) the 9650SE cards then each of them is using 8 lanes of
the 16 available. I'd need to know the exact motherboard or system to
even have a clue what the options are for adjusting the BIOS and whether
they are shared or independant.
But I haven't seen one where there's any real ability to adjust how the
I/O is partitioned beyond adjusting what slot you plug things into so
that's probably a dead end anyway. Given the original symptoms, one thing
I would be suspicious of though is whether there's some sort of IRQ
conflict going on. Sadly we still haven't left that kind of junk behind
even on current PC motherboards.
* Greg Smith gsmith@xxxxxxxxxxxxx http://www.gregsmith.com Baltimore, MD
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