Greetings, I was trying to get informations on #portgresql about a query plan I think is quite strange, and I was said to post on this list. I hope my mail will be clear enough. I have included the query, the query plan, and the table definitions. I just don't understand the "Seq Scan" on fileds that are indexed. Thanks in advance Yannick Here we go : -------------------------------- QUERY SELECT _article.*, ( SELECT COUNT (id) FROM _comment WHERE parent_id = ) AS nb_comments, as blog_id, as blog_name, xpath_string(,'/data/title') as blog_title, _blog.reference as blog_ref, _blog.main_host as blog_main_host, as user_id, _user.reference as user_ref, _user.nickname as user_nickname FROM _article INNER JOIN _blog ON _article.path <@ _blog.path INNER JOIN _entity_has_element ON _entity_has_element.element_id = INNER JOIN _user ON = _entity_has_element.entity_id AND _entity_has_element.role_id = 5 WHERE IN ( SELECT _relation.destination_id AS id FROM _relation WHERE _relation.parent_id = 1008109112 ) AND _article.date_publishing < now () ORDER BY nb_comments DESC OFFSET 0 LIMIT 5 -------------------------------- QUERY PLAN Limit (cost=378253213.46..378253213.47 rows=5 width=1185) -> Sort (cost=378253213.46..378260027.29 rows=2725530 width=1185) Sort Key: (subplan) -> Hash Join (cost=4907270.58..375534454.12 rows=2725530 width=1185) Hash Cond: (_entity_has_element.element_id = -> Hash Join (cost=220747.87..260246.60 rows=543801 width=32) Hash Cond: (_entity_has_element.entity_id = -> Seq Scan on _entity_has_element (cost=0.00..19696.96 rows=543801 width=16) Filter: (role_id = 5) -> Hash (cost=205537.72..205537.72 rows=806972 width=24) -> Seq Scan on _user (cost=0.00..205537.72 rows=806972 width=24) -> Hash (cost=4309146.55..4309146.55 rows=2388333 width=1161) -> Nested Loop (cost=8782.56..4309146.55 rows=2388333 width=1161) -> Nested Loop (cost=8689.45..43352.96 rows=5012 width=1073) -> HashAggregate (cost=8689.45..8740.05 rows=5060 width=8) -> Bitmap Heap Scan on _relation (cost=124.98..8674.40 rows=6021 width=8) Recheck Cond: (parent_id = 1008109112) -> Bitmap Index Scan on idx_relation_parent_id (cost=0.00..123.47 rows=6021 width=0) Index Cond: (parent_id = 1008109112) -> Index Scan using _article_pkey on _article (cost=0.00..6.83 rows=1 width=1073) Index Cond: ( = _relation.destination_id) Filter: (date_publishing < now()) -> Bitmap Heap Scan on _blog (cost=93.11..845.15 rows=477 width=114) Recheck Cond: (_article.path <@ _blog.path) -> Bitmap Index Scan on gist_idx_blog_path (cost=0.00..92.99 rows=477 width=0) Index Cond: (_article.path <@ _blog.path) SubPlan -> Aggregate (cost=135.81..135.82 rows=1 width=8) -> Index Scan using idx_comment_parent_id on _comment (cost=0.00..135.61 rows=79 width=8) Index Cond: (parent_id = $0) -------------------- Now on the table definition : -------------------------------------------- CREATE TABLE "_article" ( "id" bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('element_id_sequence'::regclass), "parent_id" bigint, "path" ltree, "data" text, "date_creation" timestamp without time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now(), "date_publishing" timestamp without time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now(), "date_modification" timestamp without time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now(), "counters" hstore, "reference" integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('_article_reference_seq'::regclass), "title" character varying NOT NULL, "text" text, CONSTRAINT "_article_pkey" PRIMARY KEY (id) ) WITHOUT OIDS; -- Indexes CREATE UNIQUE INDEX _article_pkey ON _article USING btree (id); CREATE INDEX gist_idx_article_path ON _article USING gist (path); CREATE INDEX idx_article_date_creation ON _article USING btree (date_creation); CREATE INDEX idx_article_date_modification ON _article USING btree (date_modification); CREATE INDEX idx_article_date_publishing ON _article USING btree (date_publishing); CREATE INDEX idx_article_parent_id ON _article USING btree (parent_id); CREATE INDEX idx_article_reference ON _article USING btree (reference); -------------------------------------------- CREATE TABLE "_blog" ( "id" bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('element_id_sequence'::regclass), "parent_id" bigint, "path" ltree, "data" text, "date_creation" timestamp without time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now(), "date_publishing" timestamp without time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now(), "date_modification" timestamp without time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now(), "counters" hstore, "reference" integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('_blog_reference_seq'::regclass), "name" character varying NOT NULL, "main_host" character varying NOT NULL, "base_host" character varying NOT NULL, "description" text, "rating" integer DEFAULT 0, CONSTRAINT "_blog_pkey" PRIMARY KEY (id) ) WITHOUT OIDS; -- Indexes CREATE UNIQUE INDEX _blog_pkey ON _blog USING btree (id); CREATE INDEX gist_idx_blog_path ON _blog USING gist (path); CREATE INDEX idx_blog_base_host ON _blog USING btree (base_host); CREATE INDEX idx_blog_date_creation ON _blog USING btree (date_creation); CREATE INDEX idx_blog_date_modification ON _blog USING btree (date_modification); CREATE INDEX idx_blog_date_publishing ON _blog USING btree (date_publishing); CREATE INDEX idx_blog_main_host ON _blog USING btree (main_host); CREATE INDEX idx_blog_name ON _blog USING btree (name); CREATE INDEX idx_blog_parent_id ON _blog USING btree (parent_id); CREATE INDEX idx_blog_rating ON _blog USING btree (rating); CREATE INDEX idx_blog_reference ON _blog USING btree (reference); -------------------------------------------- CREATE TABLE "_comment" ( "id" bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('element_id_sequence'::regclass), "parent_id" bigint, "path" ltree, "data" text, "date_creation" timestamp without time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now(), "date_publishing" timestamp without time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now(), "date_modification" timestamp without time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now(), "counters" hstore, "reference" integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('_comment_reference_seq'::regclass), "text" text, CONSTRAINT "_comment_pkey" PRIMARY KEY (id) ) WITHOUT OIDS; -- Indexes CREATE UNIQUE INDEX _comment_pkey ON _comment USING btree (id); CREATE INDEX gist_idx_comment_path ON _comment USING gist (path); CREATE INDEX idx_comment_date_creation ON _comment USING btree (date_creation); CREATE INDEX idx_comment_date_modification ON _comment USING btree (date_modification); CREATE INDEX idx_comment_date_publishing ON _comment USING btree (date_publishing); CREATE INDEX idx_comment_parent_id ON _comment USING btree (parent_id); CREATE INDEX idx_comment_reference ON _comment USING btree (reference); -------------------------------------------- CREATE TABLE "_relation" ( "id" bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('element_id_sequence'::regclass), "parent_id" bigint, "path" ltree, "data" text, "date_creation" timestamp without time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now(), "date_publishing" timestamp without time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now(), "date_modification" timestamp without time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now(), "counters" hstore, "destination_id" bigint NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT "_relation_pkey" PRIMARY KEY (id) ) WITHOUT OIDS; -- Indexes CREATE UNIQUE INDEX _relation_pkey ON _relation USING btree (id); CREATE INDEX gist_idx_relation_path ON _relation USING gist (path); CREATE INDEX idx_relation_date_creation ON _relation USING btree (date_creation); CREATE INDEX idx_relation_date_modification ON _relation USING btree (date_modification); CREATE INDEX idx_relation_date_publishing ON _relation USING btree (date_publishing); CREATE INDEX idx_relation_destination_id ON _relation USING btree (destination_id); CREATE INDEX idx_relation_parent_id ON _relation USING btree (parent_id); -------------------------------------------- CREATE TABLE "_entity_has_element" ( "element_id" bigint NOT NULL, "entity_id" bigint NOT NULL, "role_id" bigint NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT "_entity_has_element_pkey" PRIMARY KEY (element_id, entity_id, role_id) ) WITHOUT OIDS; -- Indexes CREATE UNIQUE INDEX _entity_has_element_pkey ON _entity_has_element USING btree (element_id, entity_id, role_id); CREATE INDEX idx_element_id ON _entity_has_element USING btree (element_id); CREATE INDEX idx_entity_id ON _entity_has_element USING btree (entity_id); -------------------------------------------- CREATE TABLE "_user" ( "id" bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('entity_id_sequence'::regclass), "is_group" boolean, "data" text, "site_id" bigint, "date_inscription" date NOT NULL DEFAULT now(), "reference" integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('_user_reference_seq'::regclass), "login" character varying, "passwd" character varying NOT NULL, "nickname" character varying, CONSTRAINT "_user_pkey" PRIMARY KEY (id) ) WITHOUT OIDS; -- Indexes CREATE UNIQUE INDEX _user_pkey ON _user USING btree (id); CREATE INDEX idx_user_login ON _user USING btree ("login"); CREATE INDEX idx_user_nickname ON _user USING btree (nickname); CREATE INDEX idx_user_reference ON _user USING btree (reference); ---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not match