On Dec 14, 2007 10:11 PM, Campbell, Lance <lance@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
Yes, but you can setup a trigger to do that for you i think.
Oid is an unsigned integer in postgres IIRC.
PostgreSQL: 8.2
My understanding is that when one creates a large object there is no way to link the large object to a field in a table so that cascading delete can occur. Is this correct? My understanding is that you have to manually delete the large object.
Yes, but you can setup a trigger to do that for you i think.
I also read something about the OID ID being limited in size. What is the size limit of this OID type? I am sure that it is bigger than the number of files that I would be uploaded into my db; but I just want to get an idea of the range.
Oid is an unsigned integer in postgres IIRC.
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