Matthew wrote:
On Tue, 27 Nov 2007, Pablo Alcaraz wrote:
it would be nice to do something with selects so we can recover a rowset
on huge tables using a criteria with indexes without fall running a full
You mean: Be able to tell Postgres "Don't ever do a sequential scan of
this table. It's silly. I would rather the query failed than have to wait
for a sequential scan of the entire table."
Yes, that would be really useful, if you have huge tables in your
Thanks. That would be nice too. I want that Postgres does not fall so
easy to do sequential scan if a field are indexed. if it concludes that
the index is *huge* and it does not fit in ram I want that Postgresql
uses the index anyway because the table is *more than huge* and a
sequential scan will take hours.
I ll put some examples in a next mail.
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TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings