Re: Base de Datos Transaccional

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Translaterating ...

"Also sprach Fabio Arias:"
> Hola amigos, les escribo por que necesito conocer si PostgreSQL es lo
> suficientemente robusto para manejar una plataforma transaccional de 2000 tx
> per second. necesito conocer la manera de separar mi operacion transaccional
> de la aquella que es de consulta sabiendo que existe informacion comun para
> ambos ambientes.

Hi peeps. I'm writing because I need to know if PSQL is sufficiently
solid nowadaysie to be able to run a transaction-based platform that hums
along at 2000 transactions/s [quite whether he means "run" (control) or
"run as" (be) I'm not sure, and maybe neither is he ...].  I need to
figure how to properly separate/differentiate the transactional
operations from the queries, given that there's some information common
to both contexts [and what he means by that I don't know ..  I think
he's asking how to design stuff so that there's a useful separation of
concerns, bearing in mind that most folks will be doing queries, and
some folks will be doing updates or other transactions, and ne'er the
twain should get mixed up].

> Les pido su ayuda y un poco de su experticia en el tema.

I'm asking to borrow some help and a lttle of your expertise in this
area [very free transaltion endeth here].

> Gracias a todos

Ta in advance.


PS ... I think he means "is there anything in particular I should do
when designing a system that has both readers and writers"?

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
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