is it recommended to run a postgresql server on a nfs-share
(gigabit-network)? so basically i have a NAS + a database-server,
and wonder if i should put the database on local hard-drives in the
db-server, or on the NAS, and mount it using NFS on the database-server.
i haven't investigated the issue much yet (checked the
mailing-list-archives, but couldn't find anything definitive.. ), so
would like to hear opinions/recommendations?
can the NAS solution be faster? how much is usually the NFS-overhead?
or is there a consensus on this? saying for example "generally, you
should never use NFS with postgresql?" or it depends on some factors?
intuitively it seems to me that NFS will be always an extra overhead,
but maybe it's an unmeasurably small overhead?
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TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not